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Allergic reaction to Ambrielle Bras

I was wondering if anyone has had an allergic reaction to the Ambrielle bras from JCP?  I broke out with a rash/welts that you can distinctly see the outline of the bra and straps.  It has also spread to other areas of my trunk.  The Doctor said it may be Pityriasis Rosea, but after thinking about the new bras that I was wearing, he said that could be a possibility too.  I cannot find any information about the materials the bras are made of other than the Spandex and Lycra listed on the label, but by the feel, there is definetly some other product in these bras.  I have found that Cortizone 10 helps with the itching.  If any knows anything please let me know.  Thanks
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I thought I was really shooting in the dark when I searched for this.  I have bought three bras from JCP dating as far back as 10 yrs ago and have had terrible itching with all of them.   I immediately returned the first two but hoped for different results this time (after many years had passed).  I DO NOT have sensitive skin, nor do I have latex or lycra allergies.  Any place where the cup touches me I itch terribly.  I think it must be a chemical that they treat the fabric with for some reason.  I have never had this issue with any other bras-only the ones purchased from JCP.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, yes, bra usually contain either latex or cotton pads. Go for the labels, if they mention latex, refrain from these. You can go for cotton pads and pads containing gel. Take care and regards.
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I came up with the idea to just put my one problem bra outside on a sunny, dry day with the inside front placed to get the most sun.  I wore it the next day or two & have washed it as usual a few times & had no further rash problems whatsoever!  I hope maybe this can help someone else.

I do have sensitive skin & a tendency toward rashes, but I've never had any kind of clothing to break me out before.  I do think if I'd been allergic to the bras, I would have had a reaction with all 3, not just 1.
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does this bra contain rubber or latex in its pads?  i bought it but now i am afraid to wear it because i have a latex rubber allergy can you help us?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of irritant dermatitis. It seems secondary to the garments and sweating will worsen the condition.

Firstly, you need to get investigated for possibility of allergen (due to clothes, dye or other allergen where you work).

- White petrolatum or Zinc oxide cream can be used which acts as protective barrier.
- Low potency topical glucocorticoids and oral anti histaminic against prescription can be helpful.

I suggest you to consult dermatologist. Take care and regards.
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I don't remember when I bought my 3 Ambrielle bras, think maybe it was earlier this year.  About 2 months ago I noticed a rash under the cups, all the way across in front.  Areas in back & where the straps go were all ok.  I then confirmed it was only one of the three bras that's breaking me out.  I love the bras, but I'm about ready to pitch one of them in the trash!  I, too, thought it was due to sweating, but now I don't know.  I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this has happened to!
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OMG! This is exactly what has happened to me! I am pretty sure its the "rubber" stripping that goes along the bra to help hold it up. Not sure if it is silicone or latex, as I can't find any information on it either. I'm just relieved to find your posts! As soon as I took the bra off, my itching and swelling started to go away. Not sure what to do now, as I need this bra.
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YES! I also had this same reaction! It was along the outline of the bra and straps, but not on the cup area (thank goodness!). It was raised and swollen red and REALLY itchy. The weird thing is that I had worn Ambrielle bras for a very long time and never had a reaction, but it started in August 2009 (about the same time as your reaction). I thought it had something to do with the heat or exercising a lot and sweating, and my doctor thought it was a yeast infection. But I tried that bra again this past weekend and wore it for only about 6 hours when I wasn't sweating and had the same reaction. Did you ever figure out what it is? I'm frustrated because I'm afraid it's a spandex or lycra allergy and that's going to make good cute bras very hard to find (I've been wearing crappy cotton bras since August).
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