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Allergic reaction to canned tomatoes??

Over the past 20+ years I've noticed that I have a tendency to break out in a rash after eating certain foods.  The common denominator seems to be canned tomatoes. I can eat fresh tomatoes.  But within hours of eating a soup that contains canned tomatoes I find myself breaking out in a rash on my wrists, back of the knees, and neck.   Is there any research to support this odd occurrence?  
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1386405 tn?1291587800
it could be something they use to perserve the soups that are tomatoe based that you may be allergic to
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For several years I have been reacting to contact with fresh tomatoes and now have started with canned tomato products.   I typically break out in blisters on my hands even if I never touched but rather ingested them. I was told by the doctor it was a protein in tomatoes that my immune system was reacting to.  He said all natural beauty products often use a tomato base and I could react to them as well. He was right on because I have often reacted to a lot of natural beauty products. I had an fairly severe acute reaction after I had a pedicure/manicure once, even with a shot of something from a dermatologist within 7 hours of the start of the reaction  I missed a week of work.  My hands and legs swelled up and blistered -  hands looked just like when you blow up a latex glove!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, you seem to be allergic to canned tomatoes. These allergic reactions are IgE mediated, blood tests will show increase in these levels secondary to a food allergy. When such food is consumed in large quantities can elicit allergic reaction. You also need to note down such food also in your diary and avoid the intake in future.

Canned tomatoes have a lot of chemicals and preservatives. You may be allergic to one of the preservatives. The commonest preservatives are citrus acid and calcium chloride. I suggest you to consult skin specialist/ immunologist for further line of management. Take care and regards.
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