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Allergic reactions around the time of my period.

Every month a day or 2 before my period comes I have a crazy allergic reaction, I get itchy scratchy throat and ears and really bad stomach pains that turn into being diarrhea.
It happens every month and i have to take an allergy pill (arius) to make it calm down.
I have been to multiple doctors for allergy tests and im allergic to peanuts but that's it,  
It has started happening since I had a miscarriage in 09 ,
At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but 2 years and the same thing? My doctor has no idea what it could be, Any suggestions? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the changing hormonal levels can be responsible for such symptoms. Allergy is one of the strong possibility, in such case you can take short course of anti histaminics against prescription before period.

Another possibility is variant of premenstrual syndrome. You need to undergo careful history, physical examination, chemistry profile, complete blood count, and serum TSH to rule out responsible causes including thyroid disorder.

Treatment in the form of 'SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS' in Luteal phase therapy, Antidepressants and lithium, ALPRAZOLAM or GNRH AGONISTS have been used with some success in alleviating premenstrual symptoms. I suggest you to consult gynecologist for further management. Take care and regards.
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1563533 tn?1345366296
Sometimes your immune system takes a dip right before you start your period.  Try taking a vitamin to boost your immunity.  Hope this helps!
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