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Allergic to Blood Pressure Meds

I've been going thru quite a time - turning up allergic to 5 BP meds as of today... scared to take next one prescribed!! I've been to an Allergist this past week for skin testing... but, does anyone else suffer from BP med allergies? I get itchy all over, cheeks swell, face puffs a bit and face and neck turns bright red...Help!
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Hi, I am new to this site and found it by accident. I too am experiencing awful allergic reactions to foods, meds ...etc. No one can seem to target the problem. Blood work turns up nothing and Benadryl is my best friend these days. BP very high, was on the following BP meds:
Metoprolol-years then taken off because I experienced side effects and BP was way up
Bystolic 5mg - felt better for a little while then mad allergic reaction
Avapro-2 wks ago....nightmare, taken off
Micardis-last week...once again nightmare, taken off
Amlidopine-4 days ago..tremors, chest pounding uncontrollably
Atenolol-as of today...dye free
need help too, the swelling of the face and tongue along with the bumps are just too much to take anymore. Has anyone made any headway with their allergies/symptoms?
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Yes, I am going through the same thing now! I have just finished my 4th BP Med and have had the same allergic reaction with all 4. My eye lids and under my eyes turn bright red (as if they have been burned) then peel. My lips are doing the same and I swell in the same areas that look burned and peel. Why are we doing this!
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Yes, I am going through the same thing now! I have just finished my 4th BP Med and have had the same allergic reaction with all 4. My eye lids and under my eyes turn bright red (as if they have been burned) then peel. My lips are doing the same and I swell in the same areas that look burned and peel. Why are we doing this!
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Yes, I am allergic to all BP meds but one.  I am also allergic to pain meds and some other things.  Don't know why.  But I have a variety of reactions to all of these things.  Don't stop taking your BP meds.  I stopped and I almost ended up in the hospital with extremely high BP.  I can't find any BP meds that work and I was just to the doctor again today. Not good! He wants to send me to a specialist for a kidney test.  So make sure you let your doctor know. Oh, sometimes it is more than stress that causes High BP.  Listen to your body!    Good Luck! If you find something that works, let me know!!!
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Please ask your doctor if your BP meds have a diuretic combination.  You are most likely allergic to the diuretic.  Have them give you meds without it and it should clear up in a week (itch)  Also remember to talk to your doctor about getting back on a diuretic (potassium sparring) and see if that helps.  You may ask about taking them separtely due to the fact you need it to flush the sodium that raises your BP.  Hope this helps and good luck.
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I found your post about lung breathing verses belly breathing interesting. My last therepist was teaching me to belly breathe and it felt wierd, and sometimes made me feel worse and more hypertensive. What's the yoga explanation for the breathing in the chest and not the belly?
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