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179332 tn?1273247359

Allergic to Blood Pressure Meds

I've been going thru quite a time - turning up allergic to 5 BP meds as of today... scared to take next one prescribed!! I've been to an Allergist this past week for skin testing... but, does anyone else suffer from BP med allergies? I get itchy all over, cheeks swell, face puffs a bit and face and neck turns bright red...Help!
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I have tried BP meds twice now in a period of four or so years....Cozar, namely since my Dr. says they have the least side effects.....after I cant stand the side effects maybe two or three months into taking, I quit....and then have about three months of horrible after effects, namely anxiety, ear problems, head pressure etc., I am now going to go the holistic route and see what if anything I can do to get back to normal. and of course my blood pressure went up when I quit the meds. Im with the thought.....give it up.....
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I am allergic/sensitive to EVERY BP medicine.
I am going to diet, and eat all high potassium, magnesium foods.
I am trying to wean off of 200 mg Metoprolol daily.
I am down to 75, with tinnitus caused by this med.
I cannot live with this tinnitus, would rather have a quality life, albeit shorter.
I shall just have to risk having BP , nothing else I can do.
My internist was a pharmacist, so he knows the meds, and my reactions.
Would love to talk more about this.
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179332 tn?1273247359
I really did think ALL this time that my health was failing!! I'd have skipped heart beats, rapid heart beats and the doctors would scouff it off and say I must be stressed... I was so, I became MORE stressed thinking something was really wrong with me. What was wrong?? I AM ALLERGIC TO THE BP MEDS!!!!!!!!!!! All along!! for SO long!!  I have been OFF all BP meds for about a month now - I have NO anxiety, no skipped or rapid heart rate!!  It's UNREAL!!!!!  I also have a lot of what I thought was "seasonal" allergy responses subside!!  I'd get horrible ear pain!!! HORRIBLE! not an infection - just real PAIN! and the doctors back then STILL wouldn't listen to me!! It was my sister who mentioned an article on vertigo caused by Benicar (a BP med) that I found MY ANSWER!!!! I read the article and couldn't keep from crying when it mentioned the ear fullness, and pain!!
the long suffering on those meds lowered my vitamin and mineral counts in my body. I am on B12 and B vitamins along with minerals and feel SOOOOOO much better!!!  Granted, my BP is about 155/96 but, at least I feel better!!  Fill me in MORE about your Mom!! Best of Luck!
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wow..we thought it was just mom....she has tried 3 kinds of bp meds and has reactions like, wildly fluctuation in bp extreme high,200/103, to lows like 110/55. or she'll have bad swelling in her ankles, rapid heart rate, nervousness, weakness, headache...doc says she's allergic,,doesn't know what causes the bp flucs...all within hours...HELP.  she's had echo and nuclear test on heart,,all ok...
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179332 tn?1273247359
Well, I go for food allergy testing Monday followed by "bio-meridian" testing of excipient ingredients in BP meds to see what is the cause of my allergic reactions!! I had been 'itch' free for the last 3-4 weeks (being off any and ALL medications) so, I thought I would try the last BP med given to me to try - that was said to be "the one I'd be least allergic too.." well...I took it Friday at 7am and ended up itching at 8am and still itching now (Sunday)... I am so upset, mad, depressed and ticked that this is going on....It's not to the point that I am having anaphalaxsis again but, it's VERY annoying!! I'm now 'overly' sensitive to certain things - like pledge spray!! I cleaned my office Thursday at work and sneezed the entire rest of the day - even with trying to open my door to let in outside air!!  HELP!
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Perhaps you are allergic to yellow#5.  It's a food color that is found in things such as Doritos, Cheetos,Thousand Island Dressing, Mello Yellow, Mountain Dew and some mixed drink mixes like Margarita.  
I've just discovered that many people are highly sensitive to this food color including myself.  I had to change meds because some of the pills had yellow#5 color added.
Check it out.  You will instantly feel better if this is the problem and it's eliminated from your diet.
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