179332 tn?1273247359

Allergic to Blood Pressure Meds

I've been going thru quite a time - turning up allergic to 5 BP meds as of today... scared to take next one prescribed!! I've been to an Allergist this past week for skin testing... but, does anyone else suffer from BP med allergies? I get itchy all over, cheeks swell, face puffs a bit and face and neck turns bright red...Help!
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180749 tn?1443595232
You are looking for an alternative which works without medicine.Have an open mind.
Breathing will definitely help you.You know so much about your body that you will feel the difference from day one and will be able to discuss how your body responds. Do the following breathing exercises known as Yoga Pranayam and let us know the effects. .

Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy)  via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose.Upto 5 minutes daily.

Anulom Vilom - Deep Breath-in through left nostril keeping right nostril closed
then  - Breath-out through right nostril keeping left nostril closed
then   -Deep Breath-in through right nostril keeping left nostril closed
then   - Breath-out through left nostril keeping right nostril closed
and repeat this cycle for 20 minutes twice a day.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 minutes twice a day. Not for pregnant women.
Tips : Breathe into lungs not into stomach.  Do not hurry. Do it slowly. Rest whenever needed (in any pranayam).Can be done in sitting position, standing or lying in bed(if bed-bound).Keep tissues handy, as a lot of mucous from lungs will be coming through the nose.Monitor blood results to see the improvement. Do the pranayam before eating.
Pranayam is about getting more oxygen into the lungs and sending it around the body via blood to aid in body repair. With extra oxygen more platelets and red blood cells are formed to build up the immune system.Extra fat is burned to reduce weight. All this happens naturally without side-effects.People with all types of ailments including incurable ones will benefit. This has been practised by sages, but has been simplified and brought to the masses.
If you write down all your symptoms you will be able to tick them off one by one as you continue the pranayam.
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179332 tn?1273247359
ya know...it's kind of scary because now I am off everything and I still have an 'all over' itch. No one would be able to tell...it's not always 'visible' unless I stop the benedryl! I get some hives on my face, my upper arm starts to itch and then it progresses.  Someone mentioned it could take a while to get the BP meds out of my 'blood' and system. I've always been such a busy and athletic person but, this is keeping me down. Also, thanks for the breathing exercises - I will give it a go! I know I don't breathe like I should...I tend to hold my breath a lot... not sure why...I am aware of it...mostly because I grew up heavy into sports and always had to count my breathing ((like while jogging)) and of course, swimming...I used to do a 5 count breath in and 5 count breath out...I'm thinking I need to strap on the running shoes and get the count back!! I've slacked in that area!! Of course, looking out the window at all the SNOW! I'm thinking I'll need snowshoes!!!!!  thanks for ANY advice!! I appreciate it!!  Thanks! Deeds
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I'm jealous... I want snow ! LOL ! But fortunately it is raining here (I'm a desert dweller... I'll take what I can get)

The reason why you are itching (in my opinion, but of course), is because you are still getting that medication out of your system. It seeps through your pores and since you are allergic, your skin itches or your skin is just dry. From what I've heard, good ol' baking soda can help with the itching.

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179332 tn?1273247359
okay...baking soda...um...mixed with water or in a bath??
or like - Gold Bond Medicated powder?

Thanks :) 8 inches of snow so far today...
this is 5 weekends in a row!!!
Gotta love Colorado!
((we are in the foothills))
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Good Bond will also probably work. And you don't need to mix it with water.

Send me some snow !!!!! I'll get off your hands... LOL!

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It actually snowed here a little bit tonight !!! And there is a snow advisory until tomorrow afternoon.  Thank you! LOL!

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