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Allergic to Tomatos, would I be allergic to cooked Tomatos?

I am allergic to Tomatos. Can I cook the allergy out of the Tomatos? Does cooking them change it?

I know I am allergic to BOTH Olive Pollen and Olive Oil.
So if I am allergic to Maple Pollen would I also be allergic to Maple Syrup?

Thank you.
3 Responses
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530191 tn?1214162811
hello my boyfriend is allergic to tomatos and so far no form or amount of cooking them with anything has helped. We have found a way to work around the issue though. Blanc pizza sauce, pesto in spagetti etc. Making our own homemade soups is a great way also, most soups have some sort of tomato puree. Hope this info helps. :}
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563773 tn?1374246539

The tomato plant is a member of the Deadly Nightshade family, which also includes the eggplant, tobacco, foxglove and potatoes.  An allergy to tomato is rare and the worst parts of the plant for causing an allergic reaction seem to be the seeds, skin and juice.  Some patients can ingest process tomato products such as tomato paste with little or not reaction.

Allergies can worsen over time.  Not having an allergic reaction to processed or cooked tomato products today does not mean that you will not have one tomorrow. Many of those allergic to tomatoes are sensitive to the IgE protein in raw tomatoes, which is sometimes destroyed when tomatoes are cooked.

But the question of whether you will be allergic to cooked potatoes or not, the answer lies in elimination diets and IgE antibody testing.Pls consult an allergy specialist and get yourself tested for that.

Possibility of cross reactivity is also high. . It is the occurrence of allergic reactions to foods that are chemically or otherwise related to foods known to cause allergy in an individual.

Pls consult an allergy specialist and get allergy tests like skin ***** test or blood tests like RAST done to find out the specific allergen and then try with cooked tomatoes or maple syrup.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.
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