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Allergic to stitches

8 months ago I had surgery to remove cysts under my arms and disolving stitches were used and I ended up with an infection. 3 months later I had a hysterectomy and both stitches and staples were used. 4 days later I had a severe infection.  All was removed. My question is; I currently am breaking out with hives, I swell and get itchy throughout my body. My GP thinks I could be allergic to the dissoving stitches. They were all removed but she tells me that I still have some that were used inside by body. Has anyone heard of this?
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i just got back from my 5 wk post op from a hysterectomy and for the last five days i have been fighting a bad case of hives. My doctor lookes at the inflamation at all the insition sites and said that it was from the stiches... I have already went through 2 boxes of benedryl aand the hives on my feet and hands never get relief! Ugh...Its not easy to tolerate but he said in a couple of wks i should be over them!

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I had a breast reduction 3 years ago in which the dissolvable stitches were used.  I have had terrible itching, redness, welts, and pain.  The stitches are still popping out through the skin.  I get little pieces that come through.  They are transient and migrating under the skin.  I went to 3 doctors who said I couldn't be allergic to the stitches.  I am also allergic to latex.  The doctors tried to tell me it was just bad keloid scarring.  I am in so much pain I cannot wear a bra.  Finally, my new doctor is referring me for removal or remediation of the surgery.  This has ruined my sex life and my self esteem.  My partner claims my breasts taste like plastic.  I am shaken to say the least.
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I had an adverse reaction to soluble stitches when they were used in my spinal fusion surgery at age 15 (am 23 now). I did not get sores, but I DID reject them (literally, they started coming out of my body), and then I got a bad infection and had to be treated for that.

Later, when I got my wisdom teeth out, I asked for normal stitches. When all was said and done, the doc said that I healed better and quicker with the normal stitches than was the average for his patients. He said that he would start mentioning normal stitches as an option to his patients.

I would say, if you've ever had a problem with them, talk to your doctor before any future elective surgery. You may not have to go through it again.
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I think the stitches take about 6 to 8+ weeks to fully absorb.  That is what I was told when I had my thyroid and also several moles removed.  I have had issues with the stitches causing a condition called "spitting stitches" where they aren't absorbing and my body pushes them back out through the skin ... I ended up with some abscesses along the stitch line when I had my thyroid surgery but all is fine.  These are my thoughts as a patient, like you .. not a doctor.  Hope you feel better soon ... You haven't been using anything topical in the way of ointment that could cause the reaction as another thought.

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I have had the same problem.  I had a c-section six months ago and ever since  I have had chronic uticartia hives.  they start about an inch above the incision and are huge.  They slowly grow up and out on my stomach then arms etc.  I have been on zyrtec but I do not know how much longer I will need to be on it.  No doctor seems to care and I've about had it.  How long can these last?  HOw long do stitches take to absorb?  I really feel this is the source of my allergy as i have not changed my diet at all.  
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my hives started 4 days after a triple laminectomy on my lower back accompanied by racing heart and a very intense body and head rush. my doc says my body is producing mass amounts of histamine. it also appears my liver is in overdrive.  it's been longer than 6 weeks, however I still have sutures coming out of my back. I'm wondering what the normal time for the sutures to dissolve would be.  
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