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Allergies or not

I have been suffering for a long while with a lot of different symptoms. The major one is the mucus which is clear and I have to spit it up for about half an hour when I awake and then periodically throughout the day. I've tried several sinus medication and the neti pot with only temporary relief. Also suffering from chronic constipation and have low blood pressure. Feeling dizziness and weak and fatigue. Also have tingling sensations through extremities and on face. I am being treated for yeast infection which has helped somewhat with the mucus. It seems a bit more of yellow color in the a.m. and I have frequent eye infections. As well I have extremely itchy anus with cracks. All this is making me miserable. Brainfog is a major problem but seems to be getting better since the yeast treatment. Also wondering why I crave alcohol before my periods.
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Vitamin B12: 193  Normal Range: 107.0-675.0 pmol/L
Serum Ferritin: 58  Normal Range: 11.o-307.0 ug/L

Also was perscribed  apo-metronidazole 250mg to be taken twice a day for seven days. That was given for fishy odor after intercourse. The doctor called it bacterial vaginosis. This is my third day on it and it seems to be improving my overall wellbeing.

I also picked up that cream for itchy anus and noticing that the area is inflammed and causing pain. My bowel movements are coming down to the anal area but the tightness and swelling with hemmoriods is blocking it. I need to assist with defecation. The vein outside the anus also swells. Cream is helping with the itchiness.

Sore throat with ear pain and sore tongue. Worse in the morning. Doctor had a look and says its fine.
I had a good look in the back of my throat and the pain is coming from the tonsils and my throat is a little red. Noticed small bump on one side.

Parasites have been coming up over and over for me in my research, as did Chron's. Most of my symptoms were pointing to B vitamins and worm infestation or Immune system low, anemia.

The low blood pressure is still occuring. Some days it's normal and other days it's low. The mucus is 75% better. BRAINFOG is gone!! Now I can actually think and remember things.

I have an appointment with a new doctor for next week. Colonoscopy testing is in place.(my uncle passed from colon cancer)

Thanks so much for your help.
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Absolute (ERCS) and relative (HCT) amount of red blood cells is lowered. One of possible reasons is low vit B12 (some labs consider vit B12 90. Not sure what to think about this. A simple urine test could show more.

Eosinophils may be elevated in asthma, allergies, intestinal and other parasites, some infections caused by micoplasma, brucellosis and several other conditions (search on Merck site) including Hodkin lymphoma and Crohn's disease.

Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the last part of the small intestine (terminal ileum) and exactly this is commonly affected in Crohn's disease. Stool tests for occult blood and some proteins like lactoferin are additional evidences for Crohn's disease. Diagnosis is by colonoscopy, though.

Not saying that is Crohns but this  would maybe explain lowered immunity (nose, sinus yeast infection), fatigue, low vit B12.

I suggest you:
Continue with treating nose/sinus infection
Be sure to drink enough to avoid dehydration
Ask for Vit B12 injections
Consider visiting gastroenterologist, have stool test for occult blood and CXrohn's disease.
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My earlier post is not appearing here so I'll try it again:

I went to the doctor today for my bloodwork and he said that I was perfectly healthy and that my testosterone was a little on the low side but still in the normal range. He suggested that all my symptoms are psychological. Started asking me how things were at home. Anyways,  I felt very suspicious and requested a copy of the bloodwork. Here's what i found:

Iron: 28(flagged as high)  Normal Range is: 7-27
ERCS: 3.96(flagged as low) Normal Range is: 4.2-5.4
HCT: .362(flagged as low) Normal Range is : 0.37-0.47
ABS# EOSINOPHIL: 0.4(flagged as high) Normal Range is: 0.0-0.35

This I'm not clear on:

EGFR: >60
eGFR result is greater than or equal to 60, and is consistant with normal kidney function. Note:  CKD can present with normal or increased EGFR. Further evaluations including urine dipstick protein and urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (if protein is negative) should be considered in individuals with diabetes or hypertension.

TSH: 2.00
LH: 2.2
B12: 193

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Terbinafine helping - this speaks for yeasts. You might have fungal infection of sinuses. Craving for sugar and alcohol, and brain fog are typical symptoms in yeast infection. It may last a while to treat this. Maybe you would need a combination of antifungal drugs. It may also be a combination of bacteria and fungi. I'd really recommend you asking for testing of nasal discharge for fungi and bacteria, since appropriate targeted antifungals and antibiotics can be used.

Low vit B12 affects nerves, so tingling may be from this. I would recommend you to find out the cause of vit B12 also. If you also have low iron then there's maybe a problem with absorption in your small intestine. Vitamin and mineral deficiences may affect your immune system so this is why you probably have these sinus infection...

If you were allergic to something you'd likely have raised eosinophils in the blood.

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I will be picking up an antifungal ointment asap. As for the Terbinafine, it seems to be working wonders. A lot of symptoms seem to have drifted away and I'm now left with just a few things that I need to resolve. Most important is the brain fog...I can actually think now. Cravings for sugar...GONE! This is magor for me.

As far as I can tell. The mucus is coming from the sinuses. I had a sinus xray last month which came back negative for infection. The mucus in the morning has diminished quite a bit  with Terbinafine. I also get this nodule or mucus plug(containing blood), that comes from my nasal passage into the throat. It used to appear every couple of weeks, since taking Terbinafine it shows up every couple of days.

The Asthma like feeling was more of gasping for breath along with the sinus congestion. It was happening with the low blood pressure. My blood pressure has been normal for the last few days so I have not felt like that since.

I have talked to my doctor about viral and bacterial infection. (I don't have fever or night sweats).He thinks it's more allergy related. I had allergy blood test done which came back ok. He is sending me back for skin allergy testing.

I will have the blood work back this week re: low iron and B12 etc. I'm expecting for something to turn up there.

I'm getting overwhelmed with all this now so I'll end up here and just say that my current symptoms are sinus related: ears hurt, nose blocked and sore throat(ongoing for year or more) with daily pressure in face and head. Chest pain happening daily with bouts of racing heartbeat. Feels like a burning pain that radiates out to the back.

Chronic constipation which improves with high amounts of fibre intake. Also having tingling sensations in face hands and feet.
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If terbinafine helped you, you may buy some non-prescriptiin anti-fungal ointment for itchy anus (and groin?).

...like astma? So mucus comes from the chest? Walita, honestly, in this case it is NOT time for exercise. Clear mucus spitting out in the morning, difficulty breathing and wheezing (?) after an exercise are main symptoms of asthma. You should visit pulmologist to have appropriate tests. Spitting up mucus in the morning obviously is not from not being in a good shape. Asthmatic like symptoms may be triggered by viral infection - do you have any fever or night sweets?

Low blood pressure, anemia and low vit B12 may all contribute to lightheadedness, which might contributed to brain fog. What was your vit B12 level? One of the causes of low vit B12 is atrophic gastritis..there's a special test (Schilling test) to find out if this is the cause of low vit B12.

"frequent eye infections..." ..were some particular infection confirmed? Could this be alergy (red watery, itchy eyes)?.
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I have not been tested for yeast at all. My doctor says he doesn't believe in it. He put me on the medication after I presented him with all my information I found from the web including an old list of my symptoms from a year ago. He gave me Terbinafine 250mg to be taken once a day orally. I am feeling a lot better with this medication.

I am waiting on blood work results relating to the low blood pressure. He mentioned anemic and B12 being low. When we get those results I'll be going for allergy testing.

For now I'm working on getting my heart and lungs back in shape with regular exercise. The brain fog has lifted but my body feels like it's been through hell. After I exercise I feel ill for a few hours. Almost like the toxins are being forced out of my system because there were many times I felt like I was being poisoned. I spend alot of time spitting out the mucus after exercising. My doctor suggested that I was just out of shape. It almost seems asthmatic to me.

Thanks for your response and listening to me.
Onward and Upward
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Were yeasts found in the mucus? What medication are you taking for yeasts?

Itchy anus with cracks may also be from yeasts. Antifungal ointments could help a bit but oral drugs might be required.

Brain fog and craving for alcohol or sugar were reported by some people as symptoms of intestinal yeast infection...but I have never seen any proof for that. Anyway, ask your doctor for oral antifungal drugs.
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