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sinus infection won't go away

I was on augmentim for a month. by the end of 2 weeks i felt better, but it was not gone, so I got another 2 weeks. I thought it was gone when I finished, but it came right back.

I got a 10 day treatment of Levaquin from my allergist. I have taken 3 pills. It has helped a little, but not alot. They told me to make an appointment if I did not feel better by Wednesday. Should I be feeling better by now? I do not work anywhere near my allergist so taking time off of work is a problem. I have 2 more days of pills to take. I still feel pressure in my jaw(I need tylenol for this). Sudafed helps some with stuffiness. My nasal drip is a bit better but still going on.

my 10 days would end on a sunday. so what should my decision be to go to them or not? They will probably send me to an Ear, Nose, and Throat (more time off work). My sinus infections go away by now and I have never needed more than augmentim. Note that the infection does respond to anti-biotics, but it did not totally go away after a month.
2 Responses
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1458533 tn?1285685681
Sometimes surgery is required antibiotics only get rid of it if its bacteria related..ENT specialist would be the way to go.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there seems to be treatment failure. The treatment failure is one when the symptoms persist in spite of antibiotic treatment or condition worsens. Usually seven days is required to see clinical benefit in severe sinusitis infection. If it stays worse for more than a week then further evaluation is required.

Ideally, endoscopically-guided culture could be performed to determine the effective antibiotic and should be started without delay. As an empirical therapy, its better to start with augmentin, this is already been done in your case. Otherwise levofloxacin can be effective alternative. If the symptoms still persists then get endoscopically guided culture and you may have to be redirected to newer antibiotics. If symptoms subside, there is no more need of antibiotics. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
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