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What will get rid of excessive mucus in the throat.  it really interferes with my singing in the church choir.  
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there may be underlying bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis usually presents with sputum (mucus), esp. in early morning.

The other common possibilities are gastro esophageal reflex disease, hyperplastic tonsil, abnormal upper esophageal sphincter function, stress or psychological abnormality causes this sensation due to altered upper esophageal pressure. You may need to undergo endoscopic evaluation, chest radio graph etc.

Firstly I suggest you to consult physician for possible causes and further management. Take care and regards.
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I agree, you need an accurate diagnosis before you can find an effective treatment.

If it is reflux, you need to get on it quickly.  I completely lost my voice for about 6 months a year ago.  Absolutely no singing during that time as my vocal cords healed from being burned by the reflux.  I got my voice back on Easter Sunday though.  That was cause for celebration.  :D  

I have a lot of issues with that problem as well.  So, after you have your diagnosis, we can talk some more about controlling the problem.  One thing to be sure to discus with your doctor is other people's perfumes.  Going completely fragrance free yourself may be helpful.  They are a HUGE problem for me (but not as bad as the air freshener my church thinks is necessary).  They could be triggering your problems.  

Take care and feel better.  
God bless.
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