568429 tn?1216770861

Allergy Shots ... and extreme tiredness

I have been on allergy shots for about a year and have yet to get to maintenance because of the size of the hives I develop after. After each injection I feel such extreme tiredness that I basically write off my day and sleep.
Is this a normal response and will it ease up as time goes on?

Sleepy Head.
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You may consider asking your physician about sublingual therapy or homeopathy.

Good Luck !
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Hi. Consider starting a daily antihistamine. I'd repeat it on schedule because once it wears off more than likely you will have a reaction then. I can't even take my allergy shots with out antihistamine in me. I take it every day and once extra (twice on shot day) 30 minutes before my shots. With out antihistamine I do have reactions. You might be having more of a reaction than just hives. Sorry to hear this. When I first started my shots  it was hard for me too. I guess I am lucky because my body adapted to it quickly. I hope things get better.

Are you also doing it minimum 2 times a week to keep your body used to it? More often is working better for me.
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563773 tn?1374246539

How are you?

Allergy shots can cause side effects also. Allergy shots may cause slight swelling or redness at the injection site. Non-specific reactions such as excessive tiredness and headache are quite often reported but of no clinical significance. However, dizziness, itching and repeated clearing of the throat often precedes a systemic reaction.

Most adverse reactions to immunotherapy are attributed to errors in dosage and timing. Special care should therefore be taken to ensure that you receive the correct dose at the correct time.

The tiredness you feel after allergy shots may be due to anemia also.pls get yourself evaluated for iron deficiency anemia.

You can easily become tired if you are depressed or experiencing emotional stress.

You should take a nutritional diet and some iron supplements and multivitamins. Exercise and adequate sleep will also help in treating fatigue.

Regards and pls keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Good to know this information. I started my allergy shots yesterday and after 10 minutes started getting runny stuffy nose, ears felt stuffy. After 30 minutes I started coughing and had a tightness in my upper chest area, and some light-headedness. They immediately gave me another levocetirizine. (I took one a couple of hours before appointment also) and a xopenex nebulization—I have asthma which can be triggered by allergies and URI’s. I slept for 3 hours after getting home, then 12 hours after going to bed, and woke up with a headache that went away after a couple of hours. However I feel really tired and low energy today, and just want to sit on the couch and do nothing. I was wondering if the fatigue was normal, and from reading things on here apparently it is. So, good to know. Thank you.
I also have severe fatigue, dizziness, lightheaded,fett lower legs swelling when i eat yeast,hard to stay awayfrom yeast.I down in bed,bodyfsaitiuge,low backpain and stiffness, sinus draniage,astma,pollens staying very i here,.Im rendered useless. If i dont get next set of shots until the forth day.then im feeling good ,but 3hours after shot symtoms strat all over again.
I have a lot of year round alergys,and a lot of food allergys.with cronic chronic bronchitis and asthma. Itsnotan option for me to stop the injections.I have 2 shots every 3 to 4 days.and this is only week  7 that im into.
568429 tn?1216770861
Thanks for the response, I take an allergy pill about two hours before the injection and was on Singular prior but I felt wheezy on it , the Dr thought this was odd and I went off despite her objection and it went away after I quit taking it. The swelling in my arms are severe... some welts are the size of a tennis ball and once it welted from my elbow to the top of my arm. I''m just taking it slow and once a week as twice a week made my arms unbearably sore from the welts. The good news is they are working so I will maintain on them just that the feeling of being tired is so extreme. Thanks again.
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In my case with allergy shots, I used to have a delayed reaction. The day after getting an allergy shot, I would be so ill that I would have to call into work sick. My allergist kept lowering the dose and that didn't help. Finally, I stopped and years later another allergist told me that I did the right thing.

In Europe, sublingual therapy accounts for 75% of all immunotherapy treatments. It is safe and I know my allergist was hoping that it would be available in the U.S. soon. I believe it is now.



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P.S. ~ And if I remember right, patients who do sublingual therapy.. do not need to do this in their physician's office. It is much safer.
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