577603 tn?1217700205

Allergy and flu symptoms

Hello there,
This is my first post on the forum and just looking to see if anyone has similar experiences. I am 27 and have grown inti my allergies since the age of 25- I'm allergic to normal stuff like dust, certain chemicals in shampoos and shower gels. I also have food allergies but I am trying to work out the latest allergy. In the last year I have been woken up in the night with what feels like flu- hurting all over, including my face and I have shortness of breath and find it difficult to breath. I'm normally wiped out for the day and have had to take time off work before. Most of these incidents have happened while I was at my mums house and she has wet rot in the beams- I'm wondering if I'm allergic to the mold spores? The latest case was last night in my own house after having vistied mum for a few hours. Sorry to rant just wondering if anyone has any experience of this or the symptoms and if so what can help- apart from not going in the house!
Cheers for any advice

I have looked up the symptoms for wet rot allergy and they seem fairly consistent with what I've written.
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My husband has been suffering for 5 months now with allergy symptoms and he cannot find the source of his problem. He has a constant sore throat and burning eyes. It all started and seemed worse while working from home in has tiny office. His doctor said it was probably dust and mold. We pulled the carpeting out and installed a laminate floor and put in a complete new A/C with all new duct work, and cleaned and painted the office. He then thought is might be all the electronics and moved those into another room, still no relief. He is getting to the end of his rope.We live down here in Florida. We went up to Maine for a week's vacation and he started to feel better by mid week. He's ready to sell the house and get out so he can get some relief. He started working on his computer on the lanai and feels better out there. He has no problem sleeping and actually feels better when he gets up for a few hours and then the symptoms start up. Something in this house is making him sick. Any suggestions?
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Hi ! There is a product called "BioAllers Allergy Relief Mold, Yeast & Dust". It sells online for only $ 5.39 and has a 4 star rating. If mold is your problem... this remedy may  work for you and desensitize your allergy to mold. It isn't expensive and IMO... worth the gamble. I know that allergy shots make me very ill, so I can't tolerate them. So that led me to explore homeopathy and I swear that homeopathy has helped me with my allergy symtpoms and even eliminated a couple of them !
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577603 tn?1217700205
Ooo I like the sound of homeopathic remedies- any suggestions for what has worked for you?
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577603 tn?1217700205
Hi there,
          Its odd I'm the only member of my family who is allergic to anything! I can just be sat and suddenly get itchy eyes, and sneezing my head off but this whole mold thing is a new thing for me. Luckily I don't live there anymore but I can't never go home- think I might go to the doctor anyway and see what they say. Thanks for the reply.
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It does sound like it could be a mold allergy. Another thing you may want to try, along with OTC medications, is a homeopathic remedy for mold allergies. To my surprise, I've found some of these remedies to be quite effective for some allergies.

Good luck and do keep us posted if you can !
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563773 tn?1374246539

Mold and mildew are fungi. Inhaling their spores causes allergic reactions in some people. It is common for people to get mold allergy if they or other family members are allergic to substances such as pollen or animal dander or dust mites.

The symptoms of mold allergy are very similar to the symptoms of other allergies, such as sneezing, itching, nasal discharge, congestion and dry, scaling skin and reduced lung capacity and difficulty breathing.

Treatment is to avoid contact with the spores. Reduce the humidity indoors to prevent fungi from growing. You can use airfree air sterilizer to kill the mold spores and mold in your home. You can also take OTC antihistamines and decongestants.

If these medications are inadequate, talk to your doctor or allergist about taking allergy shots (immunotherapy).Pls consult a doctor immediately if the symptoms worsen.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.

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577603 tn?1217700205
Hi thanks for the reply. No I don't frequently get ill but I have these reactions when I have been in/ stayed at my mums house. When I was living there it got to the point where I couldn't finish a sentence without wheezing and coughing. I'm thinking its an allergy because it happened the other night after I visited and the last time it happened was my birthday when I was round for the night. Basically the symptoms are muscle aches, skin tingles all over, short of breath and weeziness I can't sleep with it because skin is so sensitive but then it wears of throughout the day and then I'm fine again. Just wondered if anyone knew about allergies to mold or had similar symptoms?
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When you say flu like symptoms... do you mean headaches, muscle aches, unrefreshing sleep ?

Do you frequently get ill ?
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