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Allergy to my own hair

Is it possible to be allergic to your own hair? My hair brings out a rash on my face and neck where it touches. This does not happen all of the time but when it does it is extemely itchy and brings out small red spots. This then spreads out to other areas of my body. The problem seems to be worse when I am on my period. I have tried switching shampoos several times but nothing seems to work. I don't know if there is anything I can do apart from have my hair cut extremely short. Any advice?
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Hi there,

I suffer from something similar to that which most people are posting in this blog.

Still do not have a cure for it yet. Doc said it's eczema, however I believe my skin is reacting to my hair.

Here's some things I've found that helps keep my skin a bit less irritated.

Soap for my skin (I believe it's a local make to South Africa)
Ingredients might help you find something similar:
Directions for use: Use mornings and evenings for deep cleansing and care of your skin. Ingredients: Sodium Stearate, Sodium Sulphates, Propylene Glycol, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Sodium Laureth Sulphates, Sodium Cocoates, Titanium Dioxide, Purified Water.

When it gets really bad, I use this for 2-3 days and my skin is irritant free for at least 2 weeks:
"Locoid Crelo"

Hope it helps those who have not found a solution yet. Certainly eases my irritations.
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Thank you will give it a try
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I have  this exact same thing. If I’m itching and it causes a reaction and check around it and find a piece of hair. My face such as my cheeks,chin, ears, forehead and all around my neck. It also reacts on my shoulders and my back and parts of my chest. I keep it out of contact with my skin as much as I can. If I have an open top I put my hair up. I’ve switched shampoos and I never put any oils or creams in my hair. It’s extremely strange but my mum had never heard of being allergic to my hair but there’s no other thing it could be. My eyebrows have little irritation spots and my arms and legs and many other places that grow hair also have reactions as soon as the hair begins to grow. I shave/ wax as soon as the hair starts growing.  It’s not nice at all. It can be mild sometimes and it’ll go by it’s self but it gets bad sometimes and swells up and causes blotchy red and white patches with swollen areas. I take an allergy tablet and it calms within 10-20 minutes
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I also have this same thing since I started growing my hair out. It was very short before this. Now my face is the worst at my jawline and is moving closer up toward my cheeks. I have small spots, hives around those areas and smal...Just but dermatologist could not figure out what it was and .that was prescribed to me has just made it worse. I cannot use anything on it. I can no longer wear perfume or earrings either. It will sometimes start to heal and then come back with a vengeance about a day later after its almost gone I am 50 and premenopausal
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My apologies. My phone cut part of my explanation out. I stopped with the fact that I get hives, small itchy bumps which some are small blisters and with the fact that nothing seems to help them and everything makes them worse that I try. I have also recently had blood work done that all came back normal including my hormone count. I think that mine is due to more than one thing though and am almost sure that it’s some type of allergy to different things. I work with a lot of metal and it seems worse at work. It still breaks out at home and in the cold weather too.
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I was wondering also if I am allergic to the dye my hairdresser used and short of shaving my head, I am not sure what to do. My fingers that I use when drying my hair are all full of eczema. I am going to an NAET practitioner and will have  him test my hair!  Thanks!
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Make sure to take the hair dye product
I just recently moved from California to Tennessee, and I have not stopped itching. My hair started to fall out and I have three dogs. My back is full of small itchy bumps. Also, my head itches terribly- no dandruff. It happens mostly at night. I have tried Benedryl for itching, but nothing helps, including anti-itch spray. I am so miserable. I noticed the water in the shower burns my eyes, and makes my skin itch more. It smells of chlorine. I have very dry itchy eyes and my husband thinks all of this is due to my Fibromyalgia. Any thoughts?
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You can not be allergic to your hair. You can, however, be allergic to different microorganisms that live in it. Everyone has tiny organisms living on their skin, and a specific type of the like to live around the roots of your hair.  I have this specific allergy, and it sounds similar to what you are describing. There are shampoos, and conditioners made specifically for this, but they can be "dangerous" if bought in large quantities, and therefore you need permission from a licensed doctor to buy the majority of them.
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