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Can Allergy/Sinus Cause Constant Head Pressure and Tinnitus?

Background: Retired from the Army in Nov and had a complete physical. Everything was fine except for lower back degenerative disk diease and mild hearing loss. All bloodwork was normal. Took a job in Iraq where I am currently. Arrived in Feb. In Jun, I was sick with extreme fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Saw a doctor in Jul and was given OTC headache meds. They did bloodwork that came back normal. Since that time I have had daily head pressure and tinnitus. The tinnitus comes and goes and can be really loud and annoying. Visited another doctor in Sep who thought it might be an allergic reaction and was given zyrtec for a month. No change with the head pressure. Saw an ENT in Oct who feels that it just a left-over from whatever made me ill in Jun and thinks it will get better with time. Have had this for 5 months.

NOTE: I am 44 and had never had a headache prior to this. Have never had any TMJ problems. Tinnitus was never a problem. Never noticed any allergies before this. Never had sinus problems. Am in decent health and walk daily for 45 minutes. Thought it might be some sort of reaction to something here in Iraq but do not have typical allergy or sinus symptoms.

Questions: 1) Can allergies or sinus cause the daily head pressure and tinnitus? No pain, just a heavy and tight feeling from my eyebrows, temples to the back of my head. Wake up with it. Only goes away when outside exercising. Constant dust inside and outside this place with pollution.  Extreme heat going from AC into 120 degree.  Has cooled off now, but symptoms remain.
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I feel so sorry for you.  I am in WV, and have had the sinus pressure and feels like swelling in my head which makes me have trouble with balance, and sometimes hear high pitched noises.  I've always had sinus but nothing like this.  I've had blood work, etc., 3 rounds of antibiotics, and family dr. sent me to ear, nose, throat specialist, who gave me all the nasal antihistamines and steroid sprays which didn't help.  Put me on Prednisone (steroid) for 12 days and finally got better, although not perfect.  The fatigue, balance problems, pressure in head is gone, although I still get pain in right back of head when sleeping and still get stopped up.  Been using saline irrigation, also.  They are sending me for allergy tests.  Yes, allergies can make you like that, and you are probably allergic to dust!  IF you read this forum you will see a lot of people are like this looking for answers.  I hope you get better.
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From Salem, WV.  I also have had constant bloodshot eyes and allergic dark circles around my eyes.  The ENT here said it was not sinus since I did not have a yellow/green discharge.  He also said it was not allergy since I was not sneezing and my eyes did not water.  Since I have never had headaches, sinus or allergies, this pressure all over my head is getting old fast.
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I replied but it wasn't posted, so here I go again.  I was diagnosed with non allegic rhinitis - symptoms are year round nasal congestion, congestion triggered by strong odors, pollution, temperature changes, postnasal drip, unexplained fatigue, frequent headaches, recurrent sinus/respiratory infections.  So...pollution, temp. changes, fatigue sounds like you.  I don't have "head" aches, but face pressure and aches that actually make me sick to my stomach - throws my balance off, and reading makes me sicker if I'm like that.  I can't use aerosol sprays, car fumes, gas fumes, all make me sick.  Now the meds the ENT gave for this, the steroid nasal spray and antihistamine, did not help.  The Prednisone (steroid) did.  Now I'm better...not 100%, but never know from day to day.  The back of my head hurts when I sleep, waking me, but when I'm up it's ok.  I did take 3 rounds of antibiotics before I was sent to the ENT. I don't have green/yellow sinus discharge and never did.  So...the ENT is sending me for allergy testing.  It's hard to function - when I was really bad I could not function at all.  Now I'm never sure of myself, how I'll feel.  It is depressing.  I go back to the ENT next week and will be discussing this and will post.
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I have had constant sinus pressure for about 2 mos. now. it is very frustrating. im justing ending a 2nd antibiotic, been given steroids its just crazy. is there any relief in sight?
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Read all these forums - I've been on all of them.  So far Prednisone has given some relief to me...but none of us have gotten rid of whatever we have.
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Hi- There are a couple topics in this forun that seem to be similar. One thing that is a different approach I'll suggest is neck problems. It took me seeing 2 different ENTs and all the other specialists for me to even open up to the idea that it might be my neck. I had a clean CT and MRI and was on antibiotics without much gain. I'm not sure my neck is causing 100$% of my problems, but its a least a contributing factor.

See this page: http://www.chiroweb.com/archives/09/08/15.html

I have most of the symptoms you have - the biggest similarity being that I feel the most 'normal and well' when I exercise. My theory is that exericse loosens up my mucles, plus gets the mucus in my sinuses flowing. I feel the worst when I sleep and am still. This supports the 'stiff neck' theory.

Try to put pressure on various points on your neck around the sternocleidomastoid muscle and see how that affects the way you feel. You could try to see a Physio and have a bit of therapy on your neck. I usually don't go for Physios and Chiros, but the last couple of weeks I have. It seems to be helping. I even had the PT do acupuncture on my neck. I have never tried that, but it seems to release some of the tension.

Anyway, it still might be allergies or an infection, but I want people to know that this is another possiblity that medical doctors will overlook often. Like I said, I'm not 100% sold on the idea, but I'm convienced enough to keep going to the PT and chiro.
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Just wanted to note that I've seen several websites which said that the color of the sinus drainage shouldn't be an indicator of infection or not.  I did note some sites will say clear drainage means allergies and yellow or green means sinus infection.  Here's a couple of links (the URLs may wrap).  First one is about the color of drainage, second is a really in-depth article about sinus infection treatment (from Merck).

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I to feel this way ive felt this way for about a year and a half now, im a 31 male these feeling came out of the blue some days are good but today is a bad day. IM very dizzy and have pressure in my head and my head at time will feel numb on the sides above my ears, and will have a tingeling sensation on the top of my head and other places throughout my head.

My question dose anyone think this is sinus related or should I be concerned about something else I also suffer from anxiety for about five years but have faced it and conqured it but since this problem has arose my ols anxiety comes back and i worry about brain tumors and other brain problems and i put my self into panic mode can anyone relate with me.
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I've had the pain on the sides of my head above my ears, and on top crown area of my head.  We've all had the dizzy, sinus face pressure, feel bad, etc.  

Most of us have had the CT Scan, allergy tests, which they said I've got severe allergies which I did not know, etc. I do think it's allergies/sinus. They diagnose non allergic rhinitis.  

After being on MANY antibiotics, Rhinocort, Nasalcrom, Prednisone (steroids), I got better, but not well.  Also went to a chiropractor to see if he could help.  I don't think he did, but he thinks so.  

No more pain around the ears, head, which were constant for a long time.  But that stopped before I saw the chiro.  I started this in July. I am now on Singulair (30 days now) (prescription) and NasaCort (over the counter), using the saline rinses, and air cleaner in my bedroom.  Had my furnace cleaned, my carpets cleaned.  As long as I stay away from odors of any kind, aerosols, candles, won't be around cigarettes, I seem to do better.  So my suggestion is try to rule out some things.  I am considering the allergy shots because I can't avoid smelling grass cutting this summer.  I just dread going for shots every week.  

I don't think it's a brain tumor (which I thought I had, as well as thought I had lukemia because of feeling so bad.  I just think that for some reason, bacteria, germs, allergies, sinus inflammation, we get this and can't seem to get rid of it.  

I also have had panic disorder for 19 years or more, and have been on meds for 18 years, and had it under control until this hit me.  It got bad again, but now that I'm doing better my anxiety is back under control.  It all has some connection.  My Dr. once told me (when I had a stomach virus) that being dizzy and stomach and all go together, they're connected.

Hope this helps you.  I am so greatful to all the people in the forum for their input.  Makes you not feel alone.
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172715 tn?1285494490
Welcome back,my 25 yr old son came back after over a year there. Did you rule out TMJ?(also now know as TMS)A dentist would be the one to see for that. Did you get the tintinitis at the same time as the head preasure? It also can be caused by TMJ. Have you tried muscle relaxants or Elavil? It worked on me but did take 5 weeks to feel fully well.  I also had to eat softer foods,use no straws, no gum  (smoking is bad) too. Heat around the neck & jaw area seemed to help my muscles relax too.  Do you take allot of aspirin, that can cause tintinitis. Good luck finding the problem.   Happy New Year.
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Still here in Iraq.  Have 28 days left before heading out.  Still have the 24/7 head pressure and tinnitus.  Went to the doctor a few weeks ago and he put me on an antibiotic for 14 days without any change.  Many folks where I am working are getting the crud.  Most folks here think it is something in the environment like all the dust that is covering everything that is causing my symptoms.  Every morning, I blow my nose and there is alot of brown and dried blood in it.  After I shower, and blow again, there are smaller spots.  After that it stays fairly clear until the next morning.  The headache or pressure in my head is constant; however, is not really painful.  Do not think it is TMJ since I have had regular dental treatment without a problem before.  The head stuff and tinnitus could be allergy related from something here.  Could be a low level chronic tension headache from working 12-hour days for the last 11 months without a break.  I sit in front of a computer for 10-11 hours a day.  From what I have read; a chronic tension headache usually comes from a pattern of previous headaches which I did not have.  Still a mystery for me and with no medical assistance which can test anything, I will have to wait.
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172715 tn?1285494490
SO sorry I missed the part that you were still currently there. You probably have really dry sinus cavities from the dust and enviroment. Do they sell Ocean( or any other salted water nasal spray) at the PX? Zertec can cause headaches and preasure(side effect) Can you get your hands on a cool mist humidifier? Also take eye breaks from the PC periodicly. Look at things at different lengths awayfrom you. Also bring your shoulders up to your ears afew times every hour. Deep breath in though your nose as you bring them up and release your breath through your month as your shoulders go down.  Do that every 15 mins. if you can. If you can't get enough moister in your nose, run hot water into a washcloth, squeeze it out alittle then put your nose into it & breath in through your nose a few times. You might not get much true relief as long as your are in Iraq and Army doctors, well let's just say there is not much to work with. I hope some of these ideas give you some relief. I am sending a prayer for your health & safety with this post.  P.S. are you gritting your teeth through your stress and long hours? TMJ can rear it's ugly symptoms!
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172715 tn?1285494490
P.S again Drink as much water as possible. It will thin out the mucus. If you find something that works tell others you know to have the same sypmtoms. Also tell the doctor so he can tell his other patients.
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165026 tn?1514167516
First, thank you for serving us and protecting us.  It seems that your symptoms are somewhat environmentally based, as you received them a few months after you arrived in Iraq.

There is a possibility that your symptoms can be from an allergy or a sensitivity to something in your sleeping quarters, as when you wake up you seem to have the worst symptoms.  HOw old is the pillow you were issued.  Many times, dust mites are present in pillows, mattresses, etc.  

Good luck!
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With this pressure do you ever have any confusion,slurred speach, sensitivity to light or sound?
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Hello - We sleep on issued beds that are not covered in plastic.  The pillow is mine and I buy a new one every few months.  The room is small with 2-people sharing.  There is a window heater/AC that I spray every other day to kill germs.  My new roommate has started getting occasional headaches since he moved in; however, may not be related.  Every morning when I blow my nose, it is a bunch of dry chunks mixed with pulpy blood.  After I come to work, the nose is dry and any dischrage is clear.  When my ears ring, certain noises bother me such as the chow hall when it is packed.  The head symptoms are a pressure tight feeling that increases and decreases during the day.  Always have it, but no real pain, just discomfort.  Sometimes I get a tingling on the sides of my head.  This place is loaded with fine dust.  I wipe my desk off every day and a few hours later it is layered again.  One doctor thought allergies and another chronic low grade tension headache.  It could be possible that allergies or non-alleries are causing the tension headache.
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Hey, I'm 35 yo. live with my girlfriend (GF) who has a pet Boston Terrier (BT - a low allergenic dog, supposedly) and have recently developed a mild-to-strong case of Tennitis. I am about to go to my Doctor, but I thought my story may help some sufferers. Basically, I realized before moving in with GF that I was allergic to the dog because I would get a dried out nasal mucus, which would after two-three days of exposure lead to cracking and bleeding in my nose, much as described above by other sufferers. The symptoms would dissapate totally when I avoided exposure to the dog for 1 week. Upon moving in with GF, we got a really good BlueAir filter for $500 which seemed to alleviate the worst symptoms. My nose was still getting slightly dry, but about 80-90% of the total nasal symptoms were gone, and the situation was totally bearable (no more bleeding). This continued on for 1 year. I should add that I work from home, so my pet exposure is 24-7, however, I work hard to clean and dust the apartment as much as I can. Two weeks ago, I started to get a mild high-pitched ringing in my ears, which I immediatly deduced could be from the BT dander: knowing that the inner ear is also mucus-lined and I assume the same drying/hardening of mucus in my nose is now beginning to affect my inner ear. After two weeks, the symptoms have gotten much worse, and overnight the ringing noise doubled-trippled along with some slight pulsatory ringing (possibly due to stress and sleeplessless compounding the problem). As I said, I am going to see my Doctor. My other steps will be: 1) to have someone take care of the dog for 1 week, 2) do daily saline nasal rinses, 3) drink plenty of water, 4) excercise, 5) clean the house again entirely, 6) spend more time outdoors, and 7) get another bedroom air filter. Besides all of this... Are there specific medications or other life-style changes you guys can recommend (besides getting a new girlfriend?? hahah..) ? I'm specifically interested in any allergy-related cures/treatments available for these symptoms, so I can ask my Doctor about them. Thanks very much.
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thank you to anyone that has served or is serving our country.i admire you for your patriotism and respect you for defending our country. i have a son in law in the air force,a lt., who is supposed to be heading to iraq this summer.i love him like a son and am worried.
now to the reason i am here.i've had tinnitus and sinus problems for many years.nothing seems to work for me.living near chi town our weather changes faster than the blink of an eye.with high bp i'm limited on meds i can take.if anyone has any suggestions i'd appreciate them.living with this eye/ear fullness and ringing is horrible and life disrupting.at 56 i am not ready to give up yet.got 7 grandkids i want to be able to not only see grow up but want to hear them also.thanks for your help.
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Antibiotics often make sinus problems, allergies, (and tinnitus, etc) worse, because they only address bacteria, and in the process kill of the good bacteria as well as the bad, leaving the patient with a possible fungal infection.  (The Mayo Clinic several years ago published a study the suggested that most sinus infections were caused by fungal problems, and not bacteria or viruses.)  Anyway, the ABX also do not address the possible dust issues, which should be taken seriously, but probably won't until you get home.

Also, nasalcrom, rhinocort, and especially prednisone only suppress SYMPTOMS, they do nothing to address the cause(s).  Sometimes of course something like nasalcrom is necessary to open things up a little...for a short time...but then it's critical to have allergy and/or other testing done to find out the cause and treat that.  And finally a major key to staying well is to strengthen/balance the immune system so it can better handle things that for the most part don't bother a majority of the population.

By saying that I don't mean to belittle or dismiss anyone's problems, especially Glennville's.  I would just suggest that "allergies" or reactions manifest in many different ways besides sneezing or headaches -- especially chemical reactions.  The fact that your symptoms are better once you're outside in the "open air" tells a lot.

Hope this helps a little.


p.s. I'm not a doctor...just someone who's been chronically ill for years, so have researched and learned a lot and applied to my life.
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I stumbled on this forum in frustration. I have had 2 CT's done, been allergy tested and just saw an ENT specialist, who made my frustration worse by saying whatever is wrong with me is not sinuses. The allergist confirmed that I don't have allergies. I've been suffering for over a year and half now with facial pain (behind my eyes, in corners of my eyes, between eyebrows, behind nose), occasional ear and jaw pain and occasional pain at the bottom of my head. I don't know if this is related at all, but my eyes burn at times and I have some pain in my shoulder and neck area.

I've been living on any over the counter sinus pain medicine that will help and I've also been taking Allegra D, which was prescriped by my family doctor. Oddly enough, for whatever is wrong with me, these do help to ease the discomfort a little.

The ENT Dr. suggested I go to a Neurologist, a Rheumatologist and a Dentist?! Gee, how helpful is that!? I am NOT interested in seeing those doctors. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here? I am kind of at my wits end!! I am sick of being bounced from one doctor to another.
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You should definitely go see your dentist. I have had the exact same symptoms and have been diagnosed with TMJ.  My plan of action is to have oral surgery on my jaw and realign my joints, which should improve my situation.

In the meanwhile, though, I wear a plastic support in my mouth at night (and sometimes during the day) and it has almost entirely alleviated my symptoms.  I've spent 20+ years with these symptoms and pain and one little piece of plastic fixed it all.
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I have been diagnosed with TMJ as well, also have constant post nasal drain. I have horrible jaw and facial pain, grind my teeth at night and have sharp pains in my ears. I am also dizzy all the time. It never goes away. It's like I'm floating, it's hard for me to focus, I have a hard time with my balance and sometimes it makes me feel like I have motion sickness. I have been to the doctor, ENT, dentist, optometrist physiotherapist. The physiotherapist thought it might be an inner ear problem and gave me some vestibular excercises. The ENT didn't see any obvious inner ear problems and wants me to have further testing. I had my wisdom teeth extracted hoping that might help. Still dizzy. Just wondering if your TMJ caused you to have dizziness, or have you heard of anyone else having these symptoms. I am tired of going from one doctor to the next. If I just knew what was wrong with me I could take the proper steps to get better.
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Thank you for your input...I will definately ask my dentist about this. I am tired of being miserable and going from doctor to doctor, having them tell me to see someone else. It's making me feel like I am crazy! I forgot to mention in my original post that I do have the almost constant post nasal drip and sometimes runny nose. I will let everyone know how this works out. Thanks again!
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I am working on my second month of having sinus pressure and head pressure along with jaw tightness (possibly TMJ) and of course everyone's favorite the lovely tinnitus.  I haven't been able to sleep due to a what used to be a constant pounding in my head when I lay down; it has now lessened to just a slight thump, like feeling the blood pumping in my head.  Since I haven't been able to sleep, I of course developed some anxiety and was given Wellbutrin, which was the worst.  The Wellbutrin made me so anixous and paranoid, so I just stopped taking it.  The only thing that I have continued taking is Temazepam (30 mg) to help me sleep.  I really want to get back to normal and at least sleep without a sleep aid.  I saw an ENT about 3 weeks ago and had a hearing test - everything was good, and all that I got was some song and dance about it being allergies and to take Zyrtec and Rhinocort.  So now I'm taking that, but I have also delved into Colostrum as it is supposed to naturally support your immune system.  I have also been taking 5-HTP (50mg) for the insomina/anxiety, but don't go overboard with anything because I have read a few studies that it can backfire if you take too much.  If you have experienced a mood shift, check out a book called "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross.  And finally, I have also been trying out a sinus rinse by NeilMed (Walgreens), I want to believe that it is working.  I think that my next step will be the dentist and the allergist, as it looks like that is where this is heading.  I would pay whatever it takes to get rid of this pressure and get to sleep.
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