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Strange skin rash on my feet


I have been reading these forums for a while now and for around a year I've been having these weird red spots on my feet. I don't know how they showed up and I have been to my GP twice and they've changed the cream I'm using but it's still not going away. I'm really worried because even though it doesn't itch, it looks horrible and it's apparently spreading!

Can someone please give me some advice? I'm tired wasting my time on the GP when he doesn't know what it is.

I took some pics so hopefully that'll help out. It's usually on my feet but once or twice I've noticed it on my arm and on my thigh once, which eventually faded away, but the big problem are on my feet that just won't go away.

pic 1 - http://imgur.com/ukUOm.jpg

pic 2 - http://imgur.com/d4Jpj.jpg



2 Responses
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I recommend to use truly natural lavender oil to put on the skin, You feel it "burning" but slowly it helps at all skin problem.
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Thanks Maria, but I'm also interested in what exactly it could be.

Also, to add some info to it, the creams I was provided with are "Hydrocortisone Cream 1%" (the latest) and Daktarin cream (the first)

Again, neither worked...I also know it's not diabetes since I had a urine test recently and it didn't come up.


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