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Anyone allergic to polyester? I am and can help!

Sorry the topic is not right. But closest I could find for polyester and some other allergens cause skin eruptions. I am allergic to polyester, vinyl, some plastics, vinere, The clear coat on boxes, and more. And after 5 years of studying myself closely and control environments etc... I finally live with only mild symtoms. This is done strictly through knowing all I have to do, and avoid.
I have also studied extensively the immune system, and other related health issues, and believe I have a higher knowledge than doctors on synthetic allergens now, for lack of studies being done in the medical society on this.
Pardon my spelling please. I had severe adhd growing up and spelling was a weak subject for me.
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It's not an allergy! Its an autoimmune inflammation response aka autoimmune disease. It is where your white blood cells attack your skin because of what is in contact with your skin. This inflammation can also be caused by some antibiotics and synthetic colors. My doctor just cleared me of cancer. He say's "the cells I found in you are benign". In other words, It could be a symptom of something worse! Everyone! Please go have blood work done, make sure its just a sensitivity!
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My 7 yr old daughter has recently been diagnosed with severe latex allergy and needs an epi pen and med bracet. I have made the decision to take away all polyester as well because she says it makes her skin hot and crawl like when a latex balloon touches her hand. I'm completely overwhelmed, often waking up from nightmares that her toothpaste tube will kill her while I'm gone. I know it seems silly but latex is just in soooo many things. Have any informative links or advice to how to get through this beginning?
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I have had a polyester allergy since H.S. I can detect it through other fabrics. It begins with feeling heat and growing uncomfortable. Like 50/50 or any proportion, even if the Polyester fiber is in the center of a thread, wrapped with pure cotton I can tell in the dark or with my eyes closed. Just touching it.

Nylon is safe. Wool is safe. I love cotton. I think now (50 y.o. male) I sm developing a vinyl allergy which I am testing for presently. No problems with latex or polyurathane.

It was first noticed when my older brother gave me a tennis shirt for a present. I loved it. Blue and yellow striped polo shirt. When waring it, within 15 minutes my skin was hot and body odor was pervasive. Even when removed, eithin a day red spots emerged and then pimples (acne).  I am a polyester detector now. I can tell just by touching it. I can detect other Allerhalogens now
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Looking at the link, mine is not contact dermatitus. (Also, how do you edit an entry here? ) anyway...

I can detect other allergins too. I consider it a super-sensitivity. The pimples are classic pimples. The odor is clear and to be avoided. I gave a comparable reaction to silk. Most synthetics were developed to mimic silk. I think it may have genetic underpinnings.

I am a supersensor. Once aware of the feeling of exposure to something I am reactive to, I can sense it with my eyes closed
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I've been aware of the same reactive symptoms since I was a child; when "Dacron" became (I think) the first polyester-blend fabric used in women's clothing, and I was constantly desperate to get out of my clothes (this didn't ever happen while wearing all-cotton or silk, or even nylon/rayon).

Clothes shopping gets worse and worse, now that nearly all garments contain poly. At least I ought to be able to sleep at night. However, I am now trying to find an all-cotton mattress cover for my new bed, and every single one I see that advertises "100% cotton" (even "organic" cotton) is FILLED with polyester!  Suggestions welcome!  (No, I don't own a sewing machine…not yet anyway).
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5806870 tn?1374614445
After decades of trying to figure out what was going on, someone reminded me of my allergy (discovered about 5 years ago) to latex. It never occurred to me that elastic (such as underwear) is latex.

For years, I have been told the rashes I experience all over my "below the waist" area were yeast problems and have used various creams and powders. My issues involved shiny red itchy skin, open sores/wounds, wet areas, etc. (Nasty and painful)

Recently I was having a similar outbreak and noticed when I changed from one pair of sweat pants to another, the symptoms got better / almost gone. Then, for some reason, I went back to the original pair and it came back. I went back to check the fabrics on the label, and found them to be Polyester (one was 50% -- better, the one I couldn't wear was 100%)

Yesterday, while wearing jeans in a store, I noticed that I was noticing pain in areas where I normally breakout, like where the creases of the legs meet the rest of your torso. My underwear doesn't even reach those areas.

When I got home, I check the label, and noticed that the jeans (Signature by Levis) not only contain 2% latex but 17% polyester. From all my research, it appears these two are the culprit. I'm relieved to have an answer, and can't wait to buy 100% cotton denim jeans.

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