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Unusual Blotching around genitals

I'm a male around 22. Over the years I have had minute blotching around the genitals, but the past few months', it has really picked up. It doesn't really itch, and it is not raised over the surface of the skin. Just looks like a bunch of small red dots close together. I thought it was eczema, but I have tried many cortisone creams, and they seem to irritate it more. Does anyone know what this is and how I can get rid of it? Much appreciation.

P.S. I've attached a picture for reference purposes only.It's a little dark and harder to see, but you can get a general idea. Perhaps it will help in trying to locate the problem ... It doesn't show genitalia, but it does show the affected region and some hair.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The spots could be due to sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, syphilis or granuloma inguinale. It could also be due to pemphigus and aphthous ulcers. They could also be cysts, and infected hair follicles. If there is accompanying swelling, redness, discharge and fever it is most probably an infection. You may need to consult your primary care physician who will examine you and may ask for blood tests to initiate appropriate therapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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209987 tn?1451935465
Your picture link isn't working, but it could be several different things.
You really should see a doctor to diagnose it...especially since the creams aren't working.
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