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waistline rash

I have a rash around my waistline that has been there for the past 4 years. It ranges from 1 to 3 inches around my waistline. In some areas my skin has become darker from the scratching over time. I have found that tinactin and desenex cures the rash, but eventually the rash will return within a month or two. I first thought it could have been an allergic reaction maybe to the cloth or elastic. I've tried different clothing as well without elastic but nothing seems to work.
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I started to develop a rash around my waist and around my chest area where my bra was.  Allergy patch testing determined that I was allergic to latex/spandex, formaldahyde and nickle.  I had thought it strange that the itchiest parts were right where the back of the rivet on the button of my jeans where it hit my skin was the itchiest.  The metal contains nickle and was irritating my skin.  This condition finally spread throughout my body and after seeing several dermatologists, the one I last saw at the Mayo Clinic performed the allergy patch testing.  Finally, a determination of what was making me break out in a rash.  I quit wearing any jewelry, as wherever my watch hit my skin and under my wedding ring, I was breaking out in rashy itchy bumps.  Cotton clothing washed in dye, perfume and formaldahyde free detergents and rinsed in water only, no dryer sheets as they contain formaldahyde, finally was the key.  It took a couple of months, but what a difference.  A new bra purchase recently as I was doing so well has me back in rash mode.  Out it goes.  If I try to wear any underwear at all without the elastic/spandex covered in cotton, I immediately start to itch around my mid-section.  
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thankyou for your advice. I just went and bought dye and perfume free detergent.  
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it is worth trying as Katrina557 stated. It is known as contact dermatitis where in the irritant is responsible for rash.  Another possibility is Delayed Pressure Urticaria which presents as erythematous swelling of the skin that develops 4 to 6 hours after pressure has been applied to the area.

Anti-histaminic and/or Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (may be added if not controlled by antihistamines) will help to relieve the symptoms. Another possibility would be fungal infection. I suggest you to consult a dermatologist for further evaluation. Take care and regards.
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