377012 tn?1283965435

Asthmatic too!!!

i posted a few days ago...thinking my son may have had candida....he was diagnosed with RSV THURSDAY!! went to doc this morning with new symptoms...wheezing....bright green eye drainage, low oxygen levels, bad ear drainage(dark orange), croopy cough........he was labeled highly asmathic too!!!
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How old is your son? Has a lung function testing been done?

You should not panic and continue with the prescribed medications. The symptoms could be due to the respiratory tract infection or allergic reaction also.

You would need to see a chest specialist before a confirmed diagnosis is established.

Also, if it is indeed asthma - inhaler medications would help him with his symptoms.

Let us know if you have any more doubts.

Hope this helps.

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377012 tn?1283965435
my son is 21 months and he has been having these problems since he was 2 months.
he had 2 inguenal hernia surgeries at 1 month and almost 2 months. could the anestesia have caused him to have breathing problems? no lung function test has been done as of yet.
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If your son is 21 months then you need not worry about the asthma - some breatrhing problem does accompany infection elsewhere in small children.

It will most probably get relieved with appropriate treatment.

See a chest specialist to get a confirmed diagnosis.

Anesthesia is most probably not responsible for these symptoms.

Lung function testing can only be done in children after 8-10 years of age - so it would have to be a clinical diagnosis in your son's case .

Let us know how how is doing and if you have any other doubts.


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377012 tn?1283965435
he has another appointment tomorrow so thanks...i'll keep you posted!!!
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Good luck for the appointment.

Do update us.

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377012 tn?1283965435
well dylan is doing better. he is still having some trouble but doc told me to just finish up on all of his meds and just go from there. hopefully after his meds are gone we can get back to normal (aside from the asthma).
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Let the plan of management be what your doctor is suggesting and as you mention that your son is improving - that is good news.

Let us know if you have any doubts and keep us posted on how he is doing.

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