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HI, over the past two weeks I have been getting attacks that start with an intense burning sensation that starts in my chest, and then spreads throughout my body followed by tingling throughout. Then the reaction continues to numbness in my face and tongue, itchy throat, and then finally goes into an asthma attack. My doctor thought it was food, so I have been on a liquid diet but the reactions still occur. I take allegra with zantac, singular, and do breathing treatments throughout the day yet the attacks still come. They can last up to 2.5 hours. A few attacks resulted in an epi pen and hospital visit. Please help.........any ideas?  
4 Responses
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     Asthma symptoms may be activated or aggravated by many agents. These agents can be allergic or non allergic. Allergic components include changes in environment, dust, insect, mites, certain foods and food additives etc. Non allergic triggers that can cause an asthma attack include irritants like smoking, infections, drugs, stress, hormonal changes etc. Family history of asthma also has a role to play in the occurrence of asthma. You need to make a note of what is triggering an attack in your case and consult a pulmonologist for further assistance on treatment. Best.
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Thank you for your feedback. The reactions are triggered from my immune system.  Randomly, however sometimes outside factors, mainly food, also cause a reaction.  I was curious if others have had this type of reaction startig with the burning in the chest which is how they all start which spreads throghout as if I am on fire on the inside. The comes the numbness and tingling.

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     Yes, asthma can be triggered by both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. When no external identifiable cause is found in the occurrence of asthma then it is considered as intrinsic asthma. An intrinsic asthma condition may worsen due to emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, fatigue, irritants, exposure to fumes and gases etc. An intrinsic asthma usually follows a serious respiratory infection to which no external allergen can be associated.
Hypersensitive reactions may start of with some amount anxiety and physical symptoms and they may be individual to every patient. You need to see a pulmonologist for further evaluation and assistance on treatment. Best.

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. They have told me I tested positive for Auto-immune chronic urticaria index? The attacks are horrible and I am on so many differents meds right now while they find out what will work to stabilize me. They keep suggesting I go to Denver Jewish Institute? Are you familiar with this or this place?

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