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Autoimmune Urticaria advice

My 12 year old daughter was just diagnosed today with this.  I read the other posts relating thyroid problems with autoimmune urticaria.  Since I have hypothyroidism, I'm guessing that she should be tested for this at her regular doctor's office?  Right now all I can afford is the double dose of Zyrtec, but with everything else she's allergic to (7 types of trees, 3 molds, ragweed, cat, feathers,dust mites & roaches of course) the allergy shots would be better for her, right? Does anyone know how to get reduced rates on allergy shots since her dad's insurance is crappy, pardon the expression.  Also, it looks like she needs to take the double dose of Zyrtec at night; is this right? Appreciate any help.

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563773 tn?1374246539
Doubling the dose of Zyrtec is not advisable and that too in a young girl of 12 years of age.It can cause some serious side effects.I would advise you to opt for steroid shots instead. Allergy shots help the body build a type of immunity to specific allergens that eventually can prevent or "block" the allergen from triggering symptoms when you are exposed.So in a way they are useful for the body.

I sincerely hope that helps. Kind regards and pls do keep me posted in case of any additional queries.
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I take a double dose of zyrtec in the AM, single dose in the evening, synthroid, plaquenil, vitamin d..stillitching but better
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