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Bactrim Allergy


I recently was given a 10-day dose of Bactrim DS for an infected abscess from a sebaceous cyst. On day 7, I began a low grade fever. My doctor wasn't concerned and suggested I continue to take it. Yesterday (day 9), I noticed a rash beginning on my arm, and called the doctor to advise and update. He asked to see me, and by the time I got there (2 HOURS later), it had spread to my entire body, save my genitals and head. He still was very non chalant, given the potentially fatal side effects. After 1 dose of prednisone, while the rash has seemingly faded in color, it seems more dense. Is this a normal allergic reaction or something more? Knowing that my doc has seen it (even though I didn't share my concerns about SJS), and I being unduly nervous?
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Hello Chojj,

After reading your comments, I think you might consider getting another doctor's opinion. Is there a nearby walk in clinic where you could get a second opinon ? It doesn't sound like a normal allergic reaction to me especially the rash.  I suspect you may be allergic to Bactrim DS. I refer to a low grade fever and the extensive rash over almost your entire body. Rashes are nothing to fool around with.  My suggestion is to get another examine you. Tell them that you have been prescribed Bactrim DS . Tell them about your extensive rash . I would also consider finding another doctor.  Good luck with all of this .  Eve
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also took Bactrim and had rashes , also very unwell and I am still like it 3weeks alter I took it for 5 days and had to stop as it was truly the worse symptoms/side effects ..I am still getting the rashes popping up during the day when any pressure is put on the skin.I did some research and m,any people have been sick from taking it, my problem is I cant find out how long the side effects last This is a really bad drug
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