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Bad breath/ antib

Can amoxicillin or ampicillin treat bad breath?
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563773 tn?1374246539

Bad breath, also called halitosis, is typically caused by bacteria that grow in your mouth. Short-term bad breath may be associated with tonsillitis, gastroenteritis,acid reflux, diabetic ketoacidosis, or sinus infection. Chronic halitosis may be caused by poor oral hygiene, gingivitis (gum disease),oropharyngeal infections or a dental abscess.

These antibiotics are useful only if bad breath is caused due to infections.If the cause is other diseases then antibiotics are not useful.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.Kind regards.

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144586 tn?1284666164
Bad breath is commonly caused by a sinus infection, and treating these infections are tricky. Often they require a long period of anti-biotics and popping a few tablets of amoxicillan is likely to have you end up with an infection resistant to that drug. It is best done under the care of a physician, preferably an ENT.

As Drkindd stated there are several possible causes of bad breath, and I would not necessarily jump to the conclusion it is sinus.

Saliva kills bacteria, and encouraging saliva by eating a cracker several times a day reduces the bacterial population. This is helpful for the very elderly, who may only east three meals a day.

Gargling with salt water and brushing several times a day with a soft brush and salt may bbe helpful. Salt is a mild bactricidal agent.

Using a saline spray several times a day up the nostrils also may help you.

Start up witrh going to a dentist and getting a tooth cleaning. That will bring you to square one.

Then begin a daily program of organized dental hygiene, including salt water "swishes" and brushing twice a day.

If the problem is still not relieved, I would then rule out GERDS and then look toward the sinus cavities, and appropriate treatment, under the supervision of a physician.
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