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Bee Polen Anaphylaxis

I was at the gym tonight and decided to try some bee pollen with my shot of wheat grass juice at the juice bar. I had some type of reaction that I could not believe. I was on the treadmill, about 30 minutes into my workout I started getting dizzy, vomited and ran to the bathroom. I was very light headed, as if I was about to pass out. I cut my workout short, rested about 30 minutes, felt better. Took a short swim, 200 meters free style, with no ill effects. Its seems like this was a very brief episoide or reaction. Could this be an alergic reactoin to bee pollen?  Thanks.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

Bee pollen allergy manifests as asthma, hives,gastrointestinal symptoms,neurological symptoms and anaphylactic shock.

In my opinion getting it confirmed whether you are allergic to bee pollen will be more helpful. Skin tests are used for this purpose. This test involves pricking, scratching or injecting food extracts into the patient’s skin. The skin will react with redness and swelling for those extracts capable of eliciting an allergic reaction when consumed.Other tests used are blood tests like RAST and food challenge tests.

If found to be positive then avoidance of bee pollen in any form(even hidden ingredients) is the best treatment.Pls consult an allergy specialist and get these allergy tests done.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me updated on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.
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541234 tn?1266675097
I had a simular experience i tried swollowing royal jelly a bee pollen family well because i am allergic to grasses weeds and more i cannot drink chamomile or echinachia herbs  they are in the ragweed family which makes alot of people sick so that means i do not touch honey either, so i drank the bee pollen tablet with OJ and ran out the door and when i was driving with my mom My face got beet red and my chest was burning and i said mom something is wrong  i'm allergic to this she find me a gas x type thing maybe it was a tumms whatever it was it stopped that sensation so then i tried eatting carrot cake store brand and again i had a reaction so i think its ginger or something in the carrot cake so i had allergy testing done and i have alot of allergies and intolerences to  animals plants enviromental  and now foods  so you might want to keep benedryl capsules in your pocket if you have another weird reaction
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