368646 tn?1208393887

Blood Test For Nickel Allergy

Does anyone know the "official" name for a blood test for an allergy to nickel?  Many of the labs I've contacted (in Louisille) only know of a skin patch test or how to determine if nickel already exists in the bloodstream. (FYI- It would be used to determine an implant allergy.)

Thanks for your help!
3 Responses
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368646 tn?1208393887
You're MUCH more knowledgeable on this than my doc!

Thanks so much for your help!!
Helpful - 0
563773 tn?1374246539

Sorry for replying so late.Allergy to metals like nickel can be diagnosed by skin tests like ***** or patch tests.Blood tests like MELISA(Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay)  which is a blood test that detects Type-IV allergy to metals, chemicals, environmental toxins etc from one single blood sample can also be used.

Other blood tests are RAST(radioallergosorbent test), FAST (fluoro-allergosorbent test) and MAST (multiple antigen simultaneous testing).They can also be used for allergy testing.They measure the amounts of various antibodies produced when a blood sample is challenged with a given allergen.

Pls discuss these options with your doctor.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.

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681148 tn?1437661591
I don't know the answer to your question, but I do have cousins who are allergic to nickel and other cheap metals, because they get contact dermatitis from something like the back of a watch face, for example.  I get a little bit of a reaction if I use the cheap kind of metal earring wires, instead of sterling silver or gold filled earring wires.  So, I have to switch out the ear wires.  From reading this forum I would ask someone like kindd for this information.
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