1073912 tn?1510021266

Body acne ?Help please

I suffers from body-acne  since 4 year.Those acne appears on the back, shoulders, face, and chest
I had blood test few days ago.Everything was normal (Haemogobin,Neutrophils,Lymphocytes.Monocytes,Total Leucocyte count and Basophill) but eosinophils vaule was  litlle higher 9% than normal vaule(1-6 % normal).I search on web  and found it may cause allergic effects.
If this increment in Eosinophils value is responsible for Body acne
Is this due to the oily food i eat ? Help me to know how i can get rid of those body-acne .
4 Responses
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How are you? Body acne is generally caused by clogged pores that attract dirt and and eventually suffocate the skin. Sweat, oil and dirt collect in the pores and promote the growth of bacteria beneath the skin. Although this process is similar to facial acne, bacteria and friction from clothing normally cause body acne. Wearing, lighter, more breathable clothing and  washing all affected areas with a waterless cleanser on a daily basis help. If it persists, prescription medication may be indicated. Take care and best regards.
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1073912 tn?1510021266
@ Rowena Santos,

Thanks :)
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hi guys, I've been suffering from acne for last 3 years. They appear on my face, shoulders, chest and back(sometimes on my scalp). some are very painful, and swell up beneath the skin and few days later errupt and some whitish fluid come out followed by blood. They leave a lasting dark mark(spot).
Can anyone help with this condiition. Is it a body acne or blood acne.
Any prescription?..I'm open for suggestions..
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1073912 tn?1510021266
My condition is quite pathetic. I've suffering for about 4 years. Hope this article helps you http://bit.ly/aHRNWP
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