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cronic itching

Our doctors have not been able to diagnosis my son, age 17, who has had chronic itching over the past 2 years.  he has seen his regular pediatrician, dermatologist, and allergist but none have been able to help him.  he has a recurring severe itching, usually starting on his head and then anywhere you touch his skin, it raises like a welt and starts to itch.  he is living on claritin, which is the only thing that subsides the itching.  we have been thru all of the "check what he is allergic to" stuff.  he seems to go into an itching state when he gets upset also.  we have tried almost everything and I feel that our doctors have exhausted their knowledge. Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks, all help is appreciated.  
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i had the same thing.  it was nothing more than eating too many menthol coughdrops every day.  i sucked on them regularly.  i had a stinging itch and breathing problems.  after trying EVERYTHING and doing a process of elimination regarding things i was exposed to or eating, it came down to the coughdrops.  i never would have believed it.  hope this helps.  
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Itching can be agonizing. My husband has been itching since October 2005. Head to toe. I have researched this subject everyday since October 2005. What I have found is that hundreds of people suffer from some form of itching, with or without sores and sores of all different shapes and sizes. I find that most of these people say they're doctors have no idea why they are itching once all other possibilities have ruled out. (i.e- allergies, hives, rash, hepatitis, diabetes, eczema, dermatitis etc.) It is my belief now, that few if any people with severe itching are getting any treatment of any kind. This is because there is none. I also believe it may be in the water we drink and the air we breath. I am most likely wrong, but I have run out of energy trying to help find reasons for itching due to my husband and the hundreds upon hundreds of people I have spoken with or heard stories about on the internet.

I wish I could be more helpful. If you find out anything, please let me know. I welcome any kind of help.

Love- Kim
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