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Bites or Allergies?

A few months ago I noticed a few "bites" on my buttocks.  They don't itch, but they hurt.  It's not all over, just on a specific section of my back side.  If I go to pop them - the "puss" is hard and white, or none at all.  I disinfected my whole house and change my sheets almost everyday.  Could it be allergies?  I do have seasonal allergies - but I've never had actual bumps before.  And if they are - how do I get rid of them.  I'm allergic to the following : Timothy Grass, Maple Leaves, Dogs, Cats, Cockroachs, Mold, Pollen, and Hay Fever.  Please someone HELP!!!!  Thank you so much!
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Thank you for your response.  You don't feel that they could be allergies?  I've never had skin issues before.  I would get a pimple every now and then around period time, but that's about it.  I'll try the heat pad though!!  Thanks again.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
The lesions on your buttocks can be blocked sebaceous glands as pus like substance comes out of them. Usually these respond to heat pads. They could also be raised hair follicles. The lesions could also be pimples. It is difficult to comment beyond this without examination. Discuss these possibilities with your doctor.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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