952566 tn?1246283766

Allergic to cigarette smoke

I was wondering if any one else had a allergy to cigarettes. If i smoke one my thorat almost closes, if i kiss someone who has my throat swells very bad, if i breath it in my throat almost closes also. is any one else having these reations?  if so how to you treat it??
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
You could be allergic to the smoke itself or to nicotine or any other ingredient of cigarette. You must get an allergy test done, either a skin ***** or RAST, to know what you are allergic to.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage.  Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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Get some alergy tests, I am deathly alergic to cigaret smoke.  Yet I still smoke two packs a day and it is killing me.  Smoking also changes the blood flow to all parts of your body and will affect your brain also.  Best bet, quit smoking and stop kissing smokers.
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I get so sick when my boyfriend smokes in my bedroom or car. i was told your brain hemorrages when smoke gets in your sinus cavity and that's what causes my pain and vomiting is this true
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