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Breathing Problems!?! :(

Hello Community!

About 3 weeks ago, I started having some breathing problems.  I was at a computer working on a research project and it scared me that I felt I was not breathing as much as I should.  It was like a "shortness" of breathe.  I take adderall, so I monitored my heart and pulse on it for two days and off it for three and everything turned out normal (76bpm 72/110 avg), so I ruled that out.  I then realized that I can't breathe through my nose (DUH! :).  I could breathe through my mouth just fine.  I heard of the neti pot so I gave that a try and it has been so/so.  I went and saw the doctor last week and he looked in my nose and listen to me breathe and told me that I have allergies.  I was shocked!  I am a male, 27, 5'11, 150lbs and I have never had allergies thus far so what gives?  He told me to keep on the neti pot, take zyrtec and prescribed flonase.  Well, im doing the flonase 2x's a day and the neti pot, and breathing has improved slightly but not normal but any means.  Im going to give in and get on the zyrtec but Im cautious because I don't want to be addicted.  

He is a description of the situation.  If I plug a nostril at a time and breathe through the other, either one or both have air restrictions when I breathe deeply in.  That to me is scary because it has almost been a month that I have had this condition.  Does anyone have any advice in this community that has worked for them?  My doctor has said that it is allergies but if that is what it is, I need to get on this to solve it.  Im going to start on the zyrtec, with the neti pot and flonase tomorrow.  Any suggestions whether natural or doctor perscribed worked for anyone else that had this situation?

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i noticed the breathing problems started right after this hugh snow storm came through almost a month ago and a few days later after the snow had melted and I was almost 70 degrees outside, is when I first noticed the breathing situation began.  I have never had breathing problems before.
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I don't see how exactly snow storms would cause allergies, so either A, they don't, or B, it's not allergies. I could be wrong, I just do not see a way they connect. Your doctor obviously knows more than I do, however, it could just be that he/she was off this time. You can go for a second opinion and without telling the doctor what the first said, see what his/her diagnosis is.

As far as your breathing problems. You can (doctor approved of course) try straight pseudophedrine first, and if that don't work, you can try that new "advil congestion". If neither of those work, then I wouldn't know. I hope this helps.
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1563533 tn?1345366296
Anyone can have allergies, it can start when you at any age.  I would neti pot then do the flonase, so your not washing that med back out, it has a steroid in it to take down the swelling of tissue that are in inflammed.  This could just be due to the springtime air, so you wouldnt be taking zyrtec for ever, just thru the springtime has passed. Hope this works for you!
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ok, i will explain.  almost a month ago and a few months before that, it was winter.  temps were below freezing for almost four months.  a month ago, a big storm swept through and then melted and winter temps ended.  for the last month it has been like 60-70 degrees almost everyday.  no snow and no cold.  my doctor said that this period, when the cold is leaving and the warmer temps are beginning are when allergies occur.  day quill helped but not much.
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thanks "Resilient_Mimi" :)  I will start the zyrtec tomorrow and hope that adds to the betterment of my breathing problems.  I wish there was something magic that would just zAp the breathing issue away. lol.  it is not fun, it is scary :(
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there are many causes of breathing difficulty. The symptom you are having is known as dyspnea. The possibilities are Bronchospasm (bronchial asthma) - this seems more likely but needs to be evaluated. Otherwise it can be just nasal obstruction.

Bronchial asthma is usually exaggerated or precipitated during cold season or timing and is often associated with allergy. This condition is sometimes associated with running nose. The triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms. An allergy test and pulmonary function tests will help to rule out the cause.

Treatment of bronchial asthma constitutes use of appropriate bronchodilators in the form of inhalation against prescription. A trial 2-3 weeks will help to reduce symptoms.

The other causes needed to be ruled out are pulmonary embolism, Pneumothorax and chronic bronchitis (This seen commonly in chronic smokers) and even cardiac causes can cause breathing problem but seems unlikely.

I suggest you to consult physician for initial evaluation. Take care and regards.
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thank you for your response!  i think my dr. ruled out bronchial asthma because i can breathe just fine through my mouth.  for example, i can take deep breathes just fine through my mouth.  it is when i try to breathe and take deep breathes through my nose that i cannot without awkwardness and discomfort.  my nose is runny and full of crap.  my dr. told me to take zyrtec, flonase and do the neti pod.  all three of them i have come to realize work great but if i forget to do one, the breathing difficulty continues.  i have come to the conclusion that i hate allergies! :)

zyrtec is great guys, it has done wonders with my "upper respirtory" issues.
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