1486219 tn?1294371827


I have a lot of food allergies...I get a red itchy rash on both sides of my cheeks they are like little white heads I will get them on my forehead and chin...Is this from eggs? I am also allergic to yeast and all dairy...Can anyone help?
3 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi! Sure I'll try.
First: download Dr. Coca's Pulse test. It's a week long pulse taking at various times and tracking you food and drink intake. Just takes some patience.
You will be able to identify any offending food or drink with almost 100% certainty!
Second: Seek the best  Holistic Allergy Elimination Practitioner in your area.
N.A.E.T., "Allergy Antidotes", B.E.A.M. Therapists and Practitioners all do wonderful Allergy work using Energy Medicine. Holistic, no drugs, non-invasive and very efficient. Check it out.
Hope this helps. Check also my other posts.
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If you are allergic to yeast and all dairy products then yoou should either try to quit or reduce the quantity of dairy products that you eat.If you will be healthy only then you will be able to have food.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, you have a positive history of allergy, in such circumstances you need to keep track of all the things you are allergic to, this things are termed as allergen.

The take home steps that you need to take are
- Allergen avoidance- You need to find the allergen and you need to avoid further exposure.
-  Allergy evaluation - You need to consult allergy specialist for evaluation of the allergen by skin testing.

When food to which you are having allergy is consumed in large quantities can elicit allergic reaction in the form of hives, redness of skin, itching etc. You need to note down such food also in your diary and avoid the intake in future.

As allergic reactions are IgE mediated, blood tests will show increase in these levels secondary to a food allergy. The problem with the food allergy testing is sometimes the amount of food they challenge with may be not sufficient to elicit any allergic reactions.
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