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Bubble under tongue?

My mother gave me a prescription drug that calms you down and it wasn't prescribed for me and 4 hours after she gave me the drug a bubble appeared right where i had to let it melt, I worried and do not know if this is just a reaction and will go away , or if its fatal or anything
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563773 tn?1374246539


It seems that you had contact dermatitis to the medicine.What was the name of the medicine?

The blister should go on its own.Benadryl swishes are helpful. If there is irritation or itching along with,you can take over the counter oral antihistaminics like benadryl or Claritin.You can also apply calamine lotion or liquids or ointments with a numbing ingredient such as benzocaine (Anbesol, Oragel, Tanac).

Avoid taking that particular medicine in future and if the symptoms still persist then pls consult a dermatologist.

Take care and pls do keep me posted.

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I have a lesion on the outside of my anal opening.. the doctors think it HPV.. BUt Im not sure.. I got tested and found out I had chlamydia.. I was doing some research and LGV popped up.. Im HIV negative.. but im having problems with a smelly discharge ictching some rectal bleeding especially after pooping.. Im not sure if its' LGV or COlitis what should I do??
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