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I hear of children getting out their eczema condition once they are about 7 years old.  Is this true.  My child is coming 10 and has bad eczema.  This I told was linked to her medical condition - Coeliac (gluten intolerance).  We try to totally eliminate gluten.  But it is very hard to be 100%.  Some labels don't clearly specify.  We think we are doing a good job but not 100% gluten free.  

Could this be the reason why she still has this skin condition?  The outbreaks are frequently weeping cracks and lesions.  I am concerned about infections.

I have tried oat baths, 10%Glycerin Soberlene Cream, QV lotions, and Wash.  The use of steriod creams like Avantan is thinning her skin.

I need advise if by not being 100% gluten free, am I risking her open to other diseases related to her condition such as colon cancer, liver diseases, etc.

Does Cod Liver Oil help to ease the symptoms of ezcema?  Or other fish oils including primrose oil.  Are they effective?

Any feedback would be great!  Doctors reading this, your help most appreciated too!

7 Responses
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I have severe eczema as well, I know how you feel, you can ask for a mometasone furoate 0.1% oint, put it on, once your eczema goes away, you have to buy Nesporin, the lotion brand, it will help moisturize your skin and keep it from being dry and itchy.  Hope this helps!
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My eczema is acting up badly what do any of you recommend so I can stop itching :(
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I had eczema when i was 4 years old and it went away and came back when i was 29 years old.  I use prescription steroid ointment from the dermatologist but recently went to an allergest and was tested for food allergy.  It turns out that I am allergic to red meat and pork, sulfites, chocolate, coffee.
  I also have seasonal allergies.  I don't have strong overt reactions to these food allergies but it comes out in the form of eczema.  I strongly recommend you taking your child to an allergist to get to the root of the problem.
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My daughter is 10, had eczema all her life. We too have struggled and just now are realizing it may be a milk allergy. We have also started her on flax oil capsules, too early to tell either way. One thing that did help, when she goes swimming in pools, she gets better. Dermatologist recommended bleach baths. We put 1/4 cup bleach in her bath water, just don't wash her hair in it or get it in her eyes. Then we put a petroleum based ointment on her. Don't keep in bath longer than 10 minutes and put ointment on within 2-3 minutes of getting out of the tub. This has helped to some degree, also no carpet on floors and covers on mattress and pillow cases against dust mites.
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Hello, I use to have this condition as a child.  My mom would treat it with Mason soap and salve.  You can still buy this over the internet.  It did go away when I was about your child's age.  I am now 54 and now have an allergy to red meat and pork. I am told that the Eczema in childhood has resurfaced as an allergy in my older years.
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I have heard that Flax Seed Oil is great for restoring the skin if taken regularly. I have read postings that after a few weeks of consistant intake skin returns back to normal.
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I have it bad as well on my hands. Mine bleeds and hurts so bad. I hear to not drink milk products. That really makes mine stop breaking out. Don't eat cheese, drink milk, NO milk prducts that's really it right there. At night put hydrocortisone cream. Elizabeth:)
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