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Can it be chives?

Two weeks ago I went to a pot luck supper and went into anaphylaxis.  In the ER we tried to figure out what might have caused this serious reaction.  At first I thought it was herring since I ate a lot of it and had not eaten it in years however my allergist tested me for all fish and even made a special scratch test for the herring in wine sauce and I had no reaction.  He told me to try to track down all the ingredients of everything else I ate.  The only other unusual foods I ate that night were green onions and chives.  I eat other onions and garlic all the time and never had a reaction.  I now carry an epipen but would really like to track down the food that caused me to go into shock.  Has anyone had such a reaction to chives or green onions without being allergic to other foods in that family?  Thanks for any help you can give me.  
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I’m also allergic to green onions and chives! I’ve been wondering if there’s anyone else out there like me. I’m not bothered by any other foods in that same food family, but the spring/green onions and chives cause my tongue to swell, turn red, and become very sore as well as make my throat hurt and make swallowing difficult. I’m considering carrying an epipen, but since nothing else like onions, leeks, or garlic bothers me I’m unsure. I’d really like to know more about your reaction because it could save my life! Please feel free to email me at ***@****. Thank you for posting on here!

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For some reason they won’t let me post my email address...I’m going to try posting and separating each letter

v d w e b b e r @ m e . c o m
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus. Allergic reactions can show a waxing and waning phenomenon. They can improve or worsen with time. Also it is possible to develop new allergies, you could develop new allergic reactions  to the same food or other substances. You will only have to closely monitor.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Your response helped me. I have knkwn for some years to have ddveloped an allergy to garlic, but was able to tolerate chives and onions. Now I am sondering if I have become allergic to chives, which is what brought me to the website this evening. Horri le headache, migraine like with zlight nausea feeling. Will avoid both chives and oregano which I have been seasononing my food with a lot, from now on to see how this pans out. Thanks again.
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