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Cluster Immunotherapy

I'm going to be starting cluster allergy shots on Tuesday and was just wondering if anyone else had done this type before. I gotta take pre meds the day before and day of the shots and they make everyone doing cluster carry an epi pen on shot days. I've been dealing with allergic rhinitis (as well as various sensitives) for years and I'm hoping this will be a better fix in the long run if it works. It would be nice to not to suffer for 2-3 days just because I forgot my meds one day and everything is trying to catch up. Maybe I could also eventually save on paying for prescrpitions. Right now I am taking singulair, xyzal, and veramyst. I've tried other stuff but it either didn't work or stopped working .  If no one else replies I'll at least give an update after my appointment in case someone else needs info.
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209987 tn?1451935465
I have never tried the shots. Please let us know how it goes.
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Well the first day wasn't too bad except I didn't realize this particular office of the practice didn't have wi-fi  so that made my tablet only halfway useful during the three 30 minute waiting sessions. With my indoor/outdoor enviornmental allergies I had two vials, one for pollens and one for dust mites and mold. It was a total of six shots, 2 every 30 minutes (one in each arm).  The injection site only itched for a few minutes and I didn't have any reaction. Not sure if having to take the prednisone yesterday and this moring had anything to do with that or not. I usually don't like prednisone but I only have to take it the day before and the day of my shot so I can get over it.  Every Tuesday that's where I'll be, well, at least until I get to come less often.
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209987 tn?1451935465
Hope everything goes well for you.
Please keep us posted on any side effects etc.  It would be most useful for those that are thinking of trying this.

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Second set of shots were yesterday with a bigger local reaction that last week, mostly from the pollen. Redness and swelling at at the last injection site on one arm that's a little bit larger than a quarter and both are a bit sore still. Plus both arms still itch but I have prescription strength hydrocortisone cream that helps a little bit.
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Well I am now finshed with the build-up phase, I had my last cluster round on May 22nd and I had been going once a week since March 27th. I could have gone twice a week but it didn't fit with my work schedule since the appointments are so long at first plus sometimes I was still itching so they wouldn't have let me get it again anyway. Didn't have any significant problems during the cluster phase, just very annoying redness, swelling and major mega itching at the injection sites. Oh yeah, and the more concentrated doses burn.I wasn't really expecting that, plus it stays sore a few hours later but that's not a big deal. Now I will get getting my shot every two weeks, probably until the end of the summer or mid fall and then maybe it will be once a month she thinks. I have already noticed some improvements. Now it's not such a big deal when I sleep in and take my allergy meds a few hours late.
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