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Constant smoke smell in nasal passages.

I am a non-smoker. We are a non-smoking family. I am not around smokers at all. Why do I have the constant smell of smoke in my nose. It used to be just an occasional thing, but lately it seems to be all the time. I am concerned that this is a symptom of something I don't know about. The smell is strong. I used to notice it about a half hour after taking my Allegra-D 12 hr. tablets, but now I smell it much more often. Am I going crazy or is there something to this I'm not aware of. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help?
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I have periodically throughout my adult years experienced a significant smoke smell.  I am convinced it is allergy related.  I just started a job where my office is located in a basement where there are reportedly rats and visible black mold.   In addition, the air ducts are filthy.  

I was not surprised when I started smelling smoke soon after starting and have a very congested cough.  I have bought a desktop air filter and take allergy pills doesn't really help though.
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2 days in now and the smoke smell is gradually returning but not that bad. I'm going to crank up the fibre tomorrow to 60gm per day and see what happens next. I'm so hoping that this is going to work.
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Ok, so this is what I've done. 4 days ago I stopped taking the Garcinia Cambogia and increased my carbs. Today the smell has gone completely and I've put 2lb back on. That's fine but what's basically happened is that the increase in body fat has packaged the toxins back up and stored them as fat again. It's to do with how the liver deals with nasty stuff and is quite complicated. Tests done over decades show in the US shows that 100% of Americans carry 4 common toxins not naturally found in the body. These include PCB's and other toxins from food, the environment and lifestyle, 83% carry an additional 6. It's stored in fat tissue and one day it's gonna come out somewhere unless you just keep getting fatter and die a fatty.

When I start back on my weight loss and the Garcinia Cambogia tomorrow I am certain that in a few days the smell will return. To compensate for this i need to detoxify myself as much as possible over the coming weeks to clear these toxins and end the smoky smell while continuing to burn up this old fat. I've decided to take fibre supplements at 3times the recommended daily amount and drink lots of mineral water. Fibre acts as a toxin magnet and gives the liver another place to dump it. I'm guessing the smoke smell will go over a period of weeks but it depends how toxic my fat deposits are and how long it takes to rebalance my system. I'm not going to take the fibre increase until the smell reappears. That way at least I can check my theory. If it returns and the detox works then it might provide others with some relief and guidance.

One other thing that supports my theory is that my wife lost loads of weight a few years ago and guess what...yes the smoky/cigarette smell haunted her as well. It went once she put a little weight back on. Over the years she put it all back on again (as you do!!!!) and had joined me on on my diet. She has had no problems this time but she is losing much newer fat that may be low toxin or toxin free. Just a theory but I will let you know how it goes. 4 days ago I sat in the exact place I'm typing this now and felt I was smoking 20 a day even though I have never smoked in my life. Now all I can smell is....nothing. Just clean cool air. I'll keep you guys posted.
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I started getting this smoke smell last week and although I don't have a full solution I think I may have an explanation of some sort. I have been losing weight on a low carb diet. Iv also been using  Garcinia Cambogia which allegedly 'melts fat' from the inside. So far I have lost about 20lb and have just hit my lowest weight in 7 years. I'm looking pretty good and this stuff certainly helps BUT this really strong smoke smell has started. I've looked around the internet at sites like this for a cause but it's only when you start looking at diet and this smell that it starts to make a bit of sense, in my case anyway. When I hit my previous lowest weight this smell started really strongly and freaked me a bit till I made the connection. It seems to be to do with stored toxins in body fat. Once you hit a certain point these toxins are released into the body and cause problems and I think this is where the problem lies in many people on here. I've tried a few things and think I've found and ongoing solution that may help so rather than type it all out here I will wait to see if there is any interest on this site and elaborate further.
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I also have been taking tramadol, which I now use only intermittently.
I have the smell of exhaust fumes in my nose. It doesn't matter where I am, it's nearly always there. It's driving me nuts. Your average doctor over here in the UK won't do anything, having read all of the above posts, I am now very concerned and need to get some proper help.
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Smoke? Dust? All the same? I don't know but I can't sleep because of the burning in my sinus. It smells like thick dust. Sometimes strong. Other times slight, but it causes a burning when I lay down to rest. I try to cover my nose with the sheets and it only helps a slight bit. I did some looking and found a filter that can be inserted into the nostril. You have to buy it on line, but Walgreens offers it and so does Amazon, oddly enough. I can't wait to try it. My eyes swell when it's bad and I look so old. Sometimes I think it'll be the thing that takes me out. I don't know but when it is really bad, it gets into my brain and I start to see and experience demonic things. I hate it. The brain and sinus' are connected. One goes bad, the other is affected. I need help and don't know what to do anymore. Doctors think I'm nutz, but I'm not. I'm just tired of trying to convince them I have a valid problem.
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