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I am allergic to new cut grass, dust, cats, mold, etc.  I have had this Dreadful cough since November 2004.  The last thing they have had me on is Albuterol liquid form that goes into a nebulizer machine.  Albuterol only fixes the problem for the moment and has terrible long term effects.  Please, please help me.  I have been to so many doctors.  thank you for your kindness ahead of time.
2 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
Wearing masks specially designed to filter allergens will help you in a big way when you go out. Also keeping the room and house clean is a must. There are many antiallergics and decongestants available that can help. This can be done by trial and error to see what is most suitable for you. Do deep breathing exercises and yoga to lend strength to the respiratory system. Discuss these possibilities with your doctor.
Hope this helps. Take care!
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1008544 tn?1256099088

   I have the same annoying cough.  I wake up every morning with tons of mucous in my chest and have a productive and non productive cough throughout the entire day.  I'm a senior in college and have had this problem since early high school.  I'm allergic to trees, weeds, grass, cockroaches, cats and dogs and have been on allergy shots for a few years.  I take mucinex and decongestants like they're candy.  My cough is so annoying to myself and everyone around me but I can't find a cure for it.  I have been tested for asthma 4 times and each time they have said that I do not have it.  I also have sinus headaches about once a week or so.  I dont know what I should do..I'm thinking about going to a pulmanologist (sp) ...(a lung doctor).  I can't help you but I just thought you might want to know that you're not alone!

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