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Dental implant removal

I have several dental implants in my maxillia and have never felt well since they were implanted 11 years ago. I have bone loss around them and my mouth feels hot all the time.  My mouth is always sore and I am 'aware' of the implants most of the time. I had such good health before and wish I could turn the clock back.  I have seen 3 different implantologists who all say there is nothing much wrong, but I know there is. None of them will remove the implants!  I really want to find someone who will take them out for me and has had experience of doing this before. It seems to me that people who put implants in have no idea how to get them out and do not believe you when you say they hurt. I live near London and wondered if anyone knows of someone who would help me.
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Can you update what happened with your implants. I have one I planning to have removed. Thank you.
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I have still not had my one implant removed because I cannot find one oral surgeon willing to do this.  I have been to 4 and traveled 6 hours to see one who takes out many implants.  Even he was uncomfortable removing my implant because the gums are not inflamed and the xrays/scan look good.  Yet I have so many symptoms generating from this area.  I wish we knew for sure whether the implant was causing my symptoms or something else!

Good luck to you!  Please let me know how things go.  I will be anxious to hear.
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I have implants on lower jaw to retain dentures - had these since 2002 and my health has been awful since - I live in Northern Ireland and my husband has taken me round most dentists to ask about removal - not one will touch my mouth - I feel as if my life ended the day I agreed to implants. As far as I know it would be very difficult to remove them, especially the back ones - I tolerate pain and burning every day and I'm not any further forward. I suppose other dentists are not willing to repair something that has gone wrong. I hope some other people can offer some hope.
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I have finally removed the implant today after 4 months of rashes all over my legs and hands.  Tons of steriod medication and antihistimine. The funny part was that mouth looked fine, the inflammation started in the legs and hands. All specialists discounted titanium allergy.  It was my gut feel that all this happened after the implant.  Now I have removed the implant.  So far, I do not know the effect of its removal, but will know within a week.  Since many red scratches are in the legs and would take time to know whether rashes have stopped coming back.  But at this point, I am hoping so.
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Are you better?
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It's been 6 months since I actually had my titanium implant removed and my health has returned. My immune is still weak but generally I am better, jaw ache fine and fatigue lifted.
I can highly recommend the doctor, Peter Fairbairn and his very sympathetic assistants, the clinic is 'Scarsdale' in London W8.
The procedure had a complication and was a little traumatic but only because the implant was so strongly adhered to the bone that it required a lot of pulling to force it out in the end. This short term pain was nothing compared to the 4 yrs of pain and stress I went through with it in!!!
But in two sessions it was gone and I healed very quickly. You should be aware that the body will react to having it out so take it very easy for the first month and take lots of supplements to support the healing/detox, magnesium in particular.
Peter also has contacts with professionals researching the issue, including a woman at Kings College.
Please contact him immediately for advice.
Good luck and post here how you get on :)
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Hi takeitout!

If you're reading this, who's that woman at Kings College? Is it prof Joanna Zakrewska?

Thank you!

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I have a number of implants.. about 4 years ago, starting having pain on my rite upper front... after numerous exploratory surg's in the area, going to pain doc's, neurologists,mri etc, they decided to pull the canine tooth (real tooth)... the tooth was fine.. still having pain, finally decided to take out number 9... end of pain .. they put an implant in #8.. and all was good for 2-3yrs, now pain in #8... the perio. said losing bone, and added bone... no help... implants are not always the solution
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