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Dermographism... Major Improvement!!

Hello Everyone...
I posted some time ago about my dermographism.  As of right now I have not had an antihistamine for 6 weeks!!  Now that is huge for me!!  
I don't exactly what I did to make it better.  But I made a strict decision and stopped eating certain types of food.  I was sure it was a yeast problem.  So I decided to stop eating all wheat, dairy and anything with yeast in it... and especially sugar.  I went on supplements which consisted of Oregamax (which is wild oregano), Aged Garlic supplements, Complex B vitamins and I took Echineca/Goldenseal supplements by Natures Way.  I believe that really has helped me.  It boosts your immune system dramatically.  I also took a Candida Cleanse too.  
Its been about 3 months now since I started my regimen.  I feel pretty damn good too!!
Seen that you can not take Echineca and Goldenseal all the time I alternate it with Astragalus (chinese herb).
All my bloodwork came back fine.  Nothing is wrong anywhere.. my kidneys, my liver.  I also took a very strong probiotic/prebiotic as well.  100 billion count, (CFU) colony forming unit.  Plus some Vitamin C/Quercetin as well.
But so far so good for me.  I will keep working on it.  Keep building that immune system up there!
So I hope my information might help others out there,
All the best and feel free to ask me any questions :)
4 Responses
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I am glad that you have had such improvement with your condition. I am sure it has been a lot of relief to you.

Dermographism like many other immune system disorders may have an unpredictable course and therefore it may be difficult to truly estimate the intensity and duration of a condition.

I wish you the best in all your efforts.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Thank you for that infromation I am battling the same thing which came on suddenly after dental treatments ie  a root canal several weeks now ,and am contemplating having the root canal  removed. but I have been trying to cut out all the other things I could be allergic to, I am trying a Histimine Free diet recommende on another site, but I will try anything .
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Hi margypops,

Did you get the root canal examined by your dentist? In my clinical experience, I have yet come across any such information, but I do believe that this is entirely possible. Therefore I suggest that you get this confirmed, while you should still keep an eye for the possible causes of this condition.

Usually in allergy/dermographism cases, it is totally dependent on the patient since the cause of the allergy may not be crystal clear.

I hope you do understand the merits and demerits of each kind of treatment that you take. It is usually recommended that one consults a doctor and get a 'on-paper' diagnosis and treatment.
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Im still here, still looking at the topic, Why am I in this forum.
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