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In the past 5-6 years, I have developed adult allergies to berries, fruit, vegtables, alcohol and chololate. I have facial swelling specifically in my lips and headaches due to the swelling. Since being diagnosed, I have noticed the same reactions when eating other foods such as peaches and chips. Also facial products and chap stick. How is this possible? I feel like I need to avoid almost everything. I am 35 years old and seem to continiously develop more and more. All I can do is try and avoid these foods and I have never heard of anyone else being allergic to so much.
Thanks for any input
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Unfortunately very few food allergens have desensitisation treatments - meg and milk are all that come to my mind and they are very new.  Other than that the only treatment for food allergies is to not eat the foods.  Pollen allergies can be treated, but it takes a while and we patients are still told to avoid exposure as much as possible.  

You may need to consult with a nutritionist to make sure that you are getting everything you need.

With propper care and avoidance, you should be able to maintain your active life style.

I hope you can find a ballance for yourself.  It can be difficult.
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Thank you for your responses; I have been tested twice which is where I recieved my "LIST". Despite all of this, all my allergist could say when asked "what do I do",  was to stay away from these foods. Was he really serious!!! I am a healthy 35yr old female who loves life, and is beyond words. When a reaction happens, all they do is give me hydroxizine and prednisone. I am desperate for help as you can imagine.
I will look into cross-reactive allergies although I feel as I am chasing my own tail.

Thank you for all your help,
Desperate in Ontario
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I have a friend that is allergic to at least as much as you.  You are not alone in feeling you are developing so many allergies.  My friend is in her 40's.  

It sounds like some of your allergies might really be cross reactive with ragweed (vine fruits, apples, peaches... all cross react with ragweed).  Have you seen an allergist for evaluation and treatment?  There are many treatments now available for food allergies.  I would strongly urge you to see an allergist to see if you can be helped.  A nutritionist might also be helpful to make sure that you are getting all the nutrients that you need.

Praying for you.
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1277598 tn?1271094194
This question is best answered by an allergist. I am a pulmonary doctor
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