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Dizziness 2

Hi, I just read a post about dizziness from April 2011 that matches mine perfectly.  It comes on at the same time of year (usually fall) and goes away in April the next spring.  I've seen two ENT's, had an MRI and saw a neurologist, went to a physical therapist, had bloodwork done, my thyroid checked and just had allergy testing done.  All came back fine.... nothing has been found that could cause this.  I usually get nauseated when this happens, it feels just like motion sickness rather than vertigo. Alot of the time, it seems eating triggers it, but sometimes it hits when I haven't eaten a thing. It doesn't matter where I am when it hits... home or away.  I don't know where else to turn but it's making my life miserable. I can barely eat because of the nausea. It started 4 years ago. I'm female, 56 years.
2 Responses
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1747349 tn?1332683680
Do you live ina climate that is severe in winter? I'm baffled.
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209987 tn?1451935465
I've been getting that for about 4 years now. At first I thought it was because I was pregnant. My youngest is now almost 3.
I got pregnant again when he was 2...lost that one...but kept assuming that it had something to do with pregnancy.
After awhile I figured that it had something to do with either my Menierre's disease ( inner ear thing ), my IBS, or Gerd.
All 3 of those things can cause nausea.
I had my top teeth removed in September. The nausea stopped...because I quit eating. Now I'm only able to eat soft foods and soups.
I'm starting to believe that it was something that I used to eat ( a lot ) that was causing it.
Guess you'll have to try the elimination diet and see if you can find a link...it may not be that you are allergic, but simply intolerant of something.
Keep in mind that most allergy tests are "generalized", in other words, they don't test you for every single thing. They generally only test you for the most common factors...dandelions, but not thistle. Cats and dogs, but not snakes and gerbils. Get the picture?
Unless you go in with a certain thing that you claim to "know" is causing your grief, they won't test for it.
Try snow molds...if you get snow where you live. Almost everyone I've met lately has an allergy to that...including my own family. It's one of those things they don't really test you for. They do a general mold test, but they don't test for specific molds...and all molds are not alike. lol
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