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Dog Allergies.

Greetings!  My name is Tom and I suffer from severe non- food related allergies.  Although they can be controlled, I find that my allergic reaction to dogs is so strong that drugs have little effect.

The obvious solution is to take immunotherapy (allergy shots).  However, when I contacted my allergist's secretary she said that they do no have one.  I would like to rebut her claim, but in order to do so I need proof that this exists.

My question: would someone please send me the drug sNDC so I can take it to my allergist and say "yes it exists!  here is the sNDC number as proof!"

For the un-initiated the sNDC number is the serialized national drug code.
2 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Tom,
Greetings to you too! And welcome to the forum.
(Congratulations on the London Olympic Games - great job!)

I understand your need to rub this information on the allergist nose, however,your primary objective is to clear this serious allergy to dogs.
I'm afraid I cannot access the sNDC. (It is pet dander based immunotherapy allergy serum.)
Your allergist's office probably did not have any, or the secretary was just misinformed. I cannot see why they would intentionally deny its existence.

There are hundreds of Holistic Allergy Elimination professionals in London.
Just do a search for NAET (Dr.Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) or "Allergy Antidotes", to find practitioners close to you.
Efficient and very effective treatment. This is the route I would take if I were in your shoes. (I have  inside info. lol! I use the Allergy Antidotes in my holistic work with good results.)

Hope this helps.

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1997395 tn?1327439843
I used to have a cat allergy and it was severe. Could not even stay with a cat in the room. I went to an alllergy specialist (in Turkey) and he prepared me a vaccination. It was not sold in the pharmacies, it was something he prepared). I did the vaccination for 4 years and my allergy is more bearable now. If I am in a cat environment I take my allergy pill and I am OK.. maybe you should change your doctor and take second opinion??
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