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Dry throat, tongue and sinuses

I have been dealing with a problem with my sinuses/throat for a few months. My sinuses are constantly switching between swollen and open throughout the day. My throat and tongue will become very dry and feel swollen and it makes me very uncomfortable. I do not think that they are actually swollen, I do not have difficulty breathing (aside from the sinuses), I just do not have any better way to describe the feeling. I am usually fine in the morning and miserable by the end of the day. It seems as if I am either completely stuffed up or completely dried out, but nothing in between. Has anyone ever felt this way?
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563773 tn?1374246539

Chronic sinusitis or chronic allergic rhinitis can lead to the saliva changes making them sticky and thick and hence dry mouth and tongue. A CTscan of the sinuses may help with the diagnosis.  If chronic sinusitis is diagnosed, a course of oral antibiotics or steroids can be considered.  

Are you taking some medicines like diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants and muscle relaxants? They can also cause dry throat and mouth. Alcohol abuse, stress and depression are other important causes.

Diabetes and hypothyroidism are also known to cause such symptoms.Pls get your self evaluated for that. Other medical conditions include nerve (to salivary glands) damage, Autoimmune conditions such as Sjogren's syndrome and sarcoidosis - the inflammation of body tissue.

I feel that you should get yourself thoroughly examined by a physician/ENT specialist and start with the treatment. Till that time, chew sugar free gum or suck on sugar free sweets and drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine drinks.Pls don’t smoke tobacco or drink alcohol and brush and floss thoroughly and regularly to avoid a build up of plaque which leads to tooth decay.

Hope it helped. Take care and do keep posting.
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Thank you for your post. I do not drink or smoke and I am not a coffee or pop drinker. I will have tea on occasion but not every day. I have seen an ENT for a thyroid nodule which is being monitored and I am being treated for GERD. I have not taken any daily medication except now Zantac for the GERD (started this morning). I had started on Prilosec but was allergic.
I personally believe that my thyroid is to blame. I am a student and unfortunately my insurance will only cover me to go to student health at the university. I asked them to check my thyroid and they did a TSH test (normal) and ultrasound (monitoring nodule) but I am not convinced. They looked at my TSH but not at any of my thyroid levels. I have the annoying throat/sinus issues, swollen tongue, night sweats, fatigue. I go back to the ENT in two months for a follow up. I really don't want to deal with this for another two months if I don't have to but that may be the next time I get an appointment anyway.
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I have itchy dry throat, ear ringing and ear popping for about 5 weeks after a viral infection .   It seems like I have allergies....I have always had ear and sinus issues all my life. But, now that I am 29 I am feeling it. My doctor told it me its just fluid in my ear draining that is what is causing ringing but lately my througt is dry and slighty irrated, also some saliva builds up and just swallow it back down what is this?
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