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Exercise Anaphylaxis

Ok I need some insite.  My 17 yr old son who is an athlete is being diagnosed with exercise anaphylaxis.  An athlete? He has had 2 major episodes while working out. The first resulted in a trip to the ER and overnight at the hospital.  The most recent was he was workingt out,broke out in a rash,chest tight, throat feels clogged, turns pale and neck swells....he actually looks llike he has no neck.  Later that night in the hospital.....while laying there about 5 hours later same thing.  The next day he had a rash on his face, not a major one but a rash later that nigth his face got hot and sore low and behold another episode.  The next day he broke out in a rash on his chest.  Now he can not do anything until his blood test and urine come back.  Two weeks.  He is allergic to shellfish and milk. No I have not changed in routine in the house...and he sticks pretty much to the same foods.  I need some insite!
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Sometimes the look of that particular rash will be easily distinquishable from others.
And a reaction to say peanuts cn be different than one to a synthetics. And one problem with work out places now is that they use a lot of that black foam to make the bars and such padded. and being that a lot of people are allergic to latex and other synthetics today, that is not a good idea to be putting everyplace for a bit of convinience right?
Also, his reaction at the hospitol, and from what you say about his reactions, he does have allergic reactions. In the hospitol he had another one you say. And what you may want to think about is what did he come in contact there while he was laying there.
Well, he was laying on maybe polyester sheets,or a vinyl table right?
The only 2 similarities that I can think of between the gym and the hospitol which people can have an allergic reaction to and that he came in contact with at the hospitol while laying down is synthetics. And someone can become allergic to them at any stage in life. I myself have allergies to synthetics. And in case this may be what is happening to him let me lave you a link so you can at least see some pictures of what this reaction looks like on different people and places on the body, as they can vary some. And they look differently to a degree depending on how long the rash has been growing, as it gets worse.
You will have to copy and paste this link. And do not make a diagnosis based purely on the pics. This is to give you some reference only. Post back how things are going for him please.
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Yes, your son might really have such type of allergy.
some references here:


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Yes you are right!
Plus if he is not getting enough nutrition, protein and carbs, and working out that way, he will wear himself down badly. And in that state will be weak to the point minor allergies become great with-in him!

either way, keeping the immune up is vital here!

Vitamin C with rose hips. and a non synthetic one. Those are absorbed better. Tablets bound together with binders prevent much of it from being absorbed.
Don't forget his fruits and veggies! :)
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I am sorry to hear about your son. Have you considered an allergy to heat? My son developed an allergy to the cold (cold urticaria) at age 10! No know other allergies but after being online for 4 years on and off I have read about people being allergic to heat, cold and there is a guy in N.J. allergic to both.
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Your last post should have been directed to the person who created this post. That is not me.

And about allergy to cold. That is nervous dermatitis! How it works, is when the body gets cold and comes close to the shivering stage, this simulated nervousness with the nervous system. And that nervousness, however slight, feels like chilliness, but stimulates the nerves and this causes the nerves to cause the break out. Allergy to cold is another secret. Secret is ;allergy to cold is actually nervous dermatitis.
And when you look at skin disorder sites, or articles etc.... they list them all. While no mention of nervous dermatitis is ever mentioned. But when you google "nervous dermatitis" you will see that there are pages about it "very little siad about it though" and it does exist! I have this also. And it works with my allergy to synthetic reactions to make things worse. In winter I have to stay inside. Only going out for short times "like 10 minutes or less when real cold" all winter!
So I know what I am talking about here.
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This is why he can break out or have skin discomfort, not only from the cold, but at times when he is very upset or nervous.
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