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Extreme Skin Sensitivity and Allergy

Hi there,

My girlfriend has recently develpoed a very strange and extreme allergy. Her body is sensitive almost to every food. Although she is avoiding eating many thing and I can say she only has water and bread and chiken cooked in water and some other very simple things. Her skin is extremely sensitive and even when her skin is touched, it remains red for hours. Moreoever, as soon as she uses some cosmetics on her face, she develops some wounds in her skin and it irritates alot, and irritation around eyes.

She was suggested to do some tests, and it turned out that her Histamine level is very high, 5 times more than normal level! We wonder what should we do to decrease this Histamine level. She was prescribed some cortone injection, but not helped alot.

I have to add that she has had these symptoms for more than 5 months now. However, it symptoms have increased by the time. We wonder if anxiety and stress can be a source for that, since she has experienced some extreme stress and anxiety.

Thanks a lot...If you need more information, please ask me.

All the best,
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I have to add that she is 25 years old.
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What your girlfriend seems to be having is called dermographism. Dermographism is a normal physiological response of the skin. The term literally means writing on the skin. Dermatographism can be caused by stress, tight or abrasive clothing, watches, glasses, energetic kissing, heat, cold, or anything that causes stress to the skin. In many cases it is merely a minor annoyance, but in some rare cases symptoms are severe enough to impact a patient's life.

It can be treated by antihistamines or cromoglicate and sometimes steroids, as they prevent the histamine from causing the reaction. As the underlying cause of dermographism is not known, it can last for many years without relief.

There is no method to decrease the histamine count but you can opt for allergy shots or immunotherapy.

I sincerely advise you to consult an allergist and discuss this option of treatment with him.

I hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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