1338623 tn?1275954335

Face Skin Itching

Hello everyone,

I just want to ask some help, I got an itching face that looks darkening, and the skin is peeling tiny, it's dry and its like thickening. I applied skin cleaning(Eskinol is the brand), skin moisturizer but it seems nothing work, after I put the skin cleanser then put some moisturizer it seems OK but when I got in the office and stay on the air conditioned room(I'm actually an IT guy) after a while I feel its like dry and starting to itch.

I'm thinking is it because of the cold air?

Please help.


Best Answer
1115551 tn?1292093976
Hi there, I think you have a dry skin type, as you have described, and air conditioning would worsen it definitely because it's always going to be itchy.
In addition, frequent bathing, direct exposure to sunlight, and even some disease conditions such as dibetes could be causes.

In the process of caring for your skin, the following might be required
Getting enogh sleep,so you don't get soo stressed up at all times
Drinking enough water to ensure your skin is rehydrated.
Increase your intake of grains, raw fruits, and less of proceesed foods. Eat more of foods rich in Vitamin A and C.  In addition, avoid caffeine, too much sugar, fried foods, alcohol.
This next one might be tough,because a sudden change in temperature and humidity  such as getting into your air conditioned office from a less cold environment affects your skin, so you might need to get a very good moisturizer that is used mainly for dry skin. To be on the safe side, perhaps you should see a dermatologist who would be in a better position to recommend a good moisturizer. Take care.
4 Responses
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1338623 tn?1275954335
Thanks for the good advice, you know seeing a dermatologist here in our place is so expensive, can you recommend what will be the safest moisturizer?


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1115551 tn?1292093976
There is a less expensive natural remedy you could use. Coconut oil is a good one. be careful it's not overprocessed, and you need to find out if you don't react adversely to coconut.
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1338623 tn?1275954335

Thanks jasmine, I have to cook the coconut milk to get the coconut oil? thanks.
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