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Fingernail problems

I'm hoping that someone may have an answer to a rather odd question. At the top of the fingernail, where it grows out fron the finger, is a small semi-circle of white then the rest of the finger nail is pinkish. Prior to moving to where I now live my nails all had this little area now 3 years later only my thumbs do. Can anyone tell me if this is something to be concerned about? Thanks for any help!!
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All of my very healthy fingernails, except two, have the semicircle of white you describe. I think this is normal, but your question has piqued my interest. I think I'll google stuff and see what I find.
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563773 tn?1374246539

White marks that you are describing can be leuconychia. There are several possible causes for the discoloration, but the most common are mild trauma, a fungal infection, skin conditions(like psoriasis), or nutritional deficiencies(zinc and calcium).Take some nutritional supplements containing zinc and calcium for some days and see if the symptoms improve.If they persist then pls get it examined from a dermatologist and get fungal infections ruled out.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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