2038601 tn?1333407618

Food Allergies

I am a woman who suffers with many allergies..including food allergies. Much of what is good for people is bad for me such as: fruits (all), many vegetables, nuts, wheat (my biggest allergy) just to name a few. I have been to an allergist and was told they have not seen a person like me in a long time...but because of that it has been very hard for me to loose weight. My nutritionist has been great in helping me get on track; however, I have lost touch with her because of my insurance...so now since quitting smoking I know I need to jump on the healthy lifestyle "band-wagon" and help with what to eat that will help me loose some weight. My food intake can be quite boring because of my allergies and was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or is dealing with the same thing? Thanks.
6 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. Up to 20% of the population perceive themselves as suffering from food allergy but only 1-2% of adults have genuine food allergies. The most common culprits are peanuts, milk, eggs, soya and shellfish. You will have to observe which food, on consumption is causing this problem.

It could be an allergic reaction, more so if the symptoms have occurred with the consumption of the same food. Maintain a food dairy and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search.

The diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. An allergy specialist might be able to help you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I do not understand why people with allergies do not go to a kinesiologist. Mine got rid of all my allergies in jig time. Before that my weight would go up and down as much as eight pounds, all of it water, and the diet restrictions were very annoying.

You can lessen some of your troubles by cutting out sugars and starches which encourage the growth of candida albicans, a fungus, some symptoms of which mimic allergies.
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2038601 tn?1333407618
Thank you so much for your reply. I never thought to go see a kinesiologist. I must look into that!...Yes, I have cut out my a great amount of starches...I actually only use rice flour or potato bread (when needed) but for the most part
I don't do starches that much. Just curious, what exactly did the kinesiologist do for you that eliminated your allergies? I still struggle with the up and down of my weight even though I have felt better by following my nutritionist diet plans.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Although the method did not originate in China, it bears a resemblance. An allergy is considered to be caused by a blockage. The kinesiologist clears the blockage. No patch tests. No needles. But it works and in the long run it is much cheaper than going to an allergist.
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757137 tn?1347196453
P.S. Also a lot faster. Also it always works.
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2038601 tn?1333407618
@allmymarbles...thanks for the feedback really gave me something else to look into. @paderla thanks for your advice as well. I have kept a journal before but got away from doing that once I understood what my allergies were...so now its about me finding the right foods to eat and LIKE so I met my daily nutritional values. My problem also is that I do not eat enough! Which is also a big reason why people gain. So, I really do fight hard to eat ENOUGH...because for years I just did not like eating due to the allergies.
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