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Is it an allergic reaction to a lubricant?

My boyfriendd I enjoy having anal sex, but the last time we did I think I may have had an allergic reaction to the lubricant. Then next day I woke up with red bump and little cuts on my sphinchter where the little bumps were. They really hurt. We normal use KY liquid lubricant but he had wanted to try a jelly. Although the night before we had used the liquid and it was a little sore the next day but there were no bumps. I have been looking at stuff online and it says if you apply hydrocortisone on herpes it makes it worse. I've been applying hydrocortisone to it and its seems to be helping because it doesn't hurt as bad and the swelling that was there has gone away. Is it possible this is herpes if hydrocortisone is helping? I was tested for STDs a few months ago and it came back negative so am i safe or could they have missed it?
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It may be just a simple latex allergy...
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Did it eventually just go away?  Or was it Herpes?  It sounds like I have the same thing right now and am freaking out about it. Please let me know ASAP
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I had sex a few days ago and right when I put the condom on and started to have sexually intercourse I experience a discomfort. After the sex I started to feel burning around the tip of my penis. Is this an allergic reaction to the condom I used?
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Definitely an allergy. I have extremely sensitive skin. It apparently runs in our family. I have the same reactions to soaps as do relatives. I am now super careful and have no issue. Apparently those areas are very sensitive.
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